C# Class System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.NavigatorConstructor

This class creates a document on the first call to GetNavigator(), and returns a Navigator from it. On subsequent calls, Navigators from the same document are returned (no new document is created).
Exibir arquivo Open project: gbarnett/shared-source-cli-2.0 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetNavigator ( XmlEventCache events, XmlNameTable nameTable ) : XPathNavigator

Create a document from the cache of events. If a document has already been created previously, return it. This method is thread-safe, and is always guaranteed to return the exact same document, no matter how many threads have called it concurrently.

GetNavigator ( string text, string baseUri, XmlNameTable nameTable ) : XPathNavigator

Create a document containing a root node and a single text node child with "text" as its text value. This method is thread-safe, and is always guaranteed to return the exact same document, no matter how many threads have called it concurrently.

Method Details

GetNavigator() public method

Create a document from the cache of events. If a document has already been created previously, return it. This method is thread-safe, and is always guaranteed to return the exact same document, no matter how many threads have called it concurrently.
public GetNavigator ( XmlEventCache events, XmlNameTable nameTable ) : XPathNavigator
events System.Xml.XmlEventCache
nameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable
return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator

GetNavigator() public method

Create a document containing a root node and a single text node child with "text" as its text value. This method is thread-safe, and is always guaranteed to return the exact same document, no matter how many threads have called it concurrently.
public GetNavigator ( string text, string baseUri, XmlNameTable nameTable ) : XPathNavigator
text string
baseUri string
nameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable
return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator