C# Class SSTUTools.SSTUModularStationCore

Inheritance: PartModule, IPartMassModifier, IPartCostModifier
Exibir arquivo Open project: shadowmage45/SSTULabs

Public Methods

Method Description
GetModuleCost ( float defaultCost, ModifierStagingSituation sit ) : float
GetModuleCostChangeWhen ( ) : ModifierChangeWhen
GetModuleMass ( float defaultMass, ModifierStagingSituation sit ) : float
GetModuleMassChangeWhen ( ) : ModifierChangeWhen
OnDestroy ( ) : void
OnLoad ( ConfigNode node ) : void
OnStart ( StartState state ) : void
Start ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
getBottomDockRoot ( bool recreate ) : Transform
getBottomRoot ( bool recreate ) : Transform
getCoreRoot ( bool recreate ) : Transform
getRootTransformFor ( string name, bool recreate ) : Transform
getSolarRoot ( bool recreate ) : Transform
getTopDockRoot ( bool recreate ) : Transform
getTopRoot ( bool recreate ) : Transform
init ( bool start ) : void
initializeGUI ( ) : void
onBottomChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onBottomDockChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onBottomTextureChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onCoreChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onCoreTextureChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onEditorVesselModified ( ShipConstruct ship ) : void
onModelChanged ( SSTUTools.SingleModelData prev, SSTUTools.SingleModelData cur ) : void
onSolarChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onTopChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onTopDockChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
onTopTextureChanged ( BaseField field, System obj ) : void
restoreModels ( ) : void

Restore the currently selected modules' models, and restore their current texture-set selection Removes any existing models from special-named root transforms with no attempt at re-use

selectBottomEvent ( ) : void
selectTopEvent ( ) : void
setBottomDockEditor ( string newBottomDock, bool updateSymmetry ) : void
setBottomEditor ( string newBottom, bool updateSymmetry ) : void
setCoreEditor ( string newCore, bool updateSymmetry ) : void
setSolarEditor ( string newSolar, bool updateSymmetry ) : void
setTopDockEditor ( string newDock, bool updateSymmetry ) : void
setTopEditor ( string newTop, bool updateSymmetry ) : void
updateAttachNodes ( bool userInput ) : void
updateBottomDockModule ( bool start ) : void
updateCost ( ) : void
updateDockingModules ( bool start ) : void
updateDragCubes ( ) : void
updateGUI ( ) : void
updateMass ( ) : void
updateModulePositions ( ) : void
updateResourceVolume ( ) : void
updateSolarModules ( ) : void
updateTopDockModule ( bool start ) : void

Method Details

GetModuleCost() public method

public GetModuleCost ( float defaultCost, ModifierStagingSituation sit ) : float
defaultCost float
sit ModifierStagingSituation
return float

GetModuleCostChangeWhen() public method

public GetModuleCostChangeWhen ( ) : ModifierChangeWhen
return ModifierChangeWhen

GetModuleMass() public method

public GetModuleMass ( float defaultMass, ModifierStagingSituation sit ) : float
defaultMass float
sit ModifierStagingSituation
return float

GetModuleMassChangeWhen() public method

public GetModuleMassChangeWhen ( ) : ModifierChangeWhen
return ModifierChangeWhen

OnDestroy() public method

public OnDestroy ( ) : void
return void

OnLoad() public method

public OnLoad ( ConfigNode node ) : void
node System.ConfigNode
return void

OnStart() public method

public OnStart ( StartState state ) : void
state StartState
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void