C# Class SIPSorcery.Net.WebRtcPeer

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
CallID string
IceConnectionState IceConnectionStatesEnum
IceNegotiationStartedAt System.DateTime
IsClosed bool
IsDtlsNegotiationComplete bool
LastRtcpSenderReportSentAt DateTime
LastTimestamp uint
LocalIceCandidates List
LocalIcePassword string
LocalIceUser string
RemoteIcePassword string
RemoteIceUser string
SDP string
SSRC uint
SdpSessionID string
SequenceNumber ushort

Public Methods

Method Description
AppendRemoteIceCandidate ( IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate ) : void
Close ( ) : void
Initialise ( string dtlsCertificateFingerprint, IPEndPoint turnServerEndPoint ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AllocateTurn ( IceCandidate iceCandidate ) : void
CreateTurnPermissions ( ) : void
GetIceCandidates ( ManualResetEvent iceGatheringCompleteMRE ) : void
ProcessStunMessage ( IceCandidate iceCandidate, STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint ) : void
SendInitialStunBindingRequest ( IceCandidate iceCandidate, ManualResetEvent iceGatheringCompleteMRE ) : void
SendStunConnectivityChecks ( ) : void
SetIceConnectionState ( IceConnectionStatesEnum iceConnectionState ) : void
StartWebRtcRtpListener ( IceCandidate iceCandidate ) : void

Method Details

AppendRemoteIceCandidate() public method

public AppendRemoteIceCandidate ( IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate ) : void
remoteIceCandidate IceCandidate
return void

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void

Initialise() public method

public Initialise ( string dtlsCertificateFingerprint, IPEndPoint turnServerEndPoint ) : void
dtlsCertificateFingerprint string The SHA256 fingerprint that gets placed in the SDP offer for this WebRTC peer. It must match the certificate being used /// in the DTLS negotiation.
turnServerEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint An optional parameter that can be used include a TURN server in this peer's ICE candidate gathering.
return void

Property Details

CallID public_oe property

public string CallID
return string

IceConnectionState public_oe property

public IceConnectionStatesEnum IceConnectionState
return IceConnectionStatesEnum

IceNegotiationStartedAt public_oe property

public DateTime,System IceNegotiationStartedAt
return System.DateTime

IsClosed public_oe property

public bool IsClosed
return bool

IsDtlsNegotiationComplete public_oe property

public bool IsDtlsNegotiationComplete
return bool

LastRtcpSenderReportSentAt public_oe property

public DateTime LastRtcpSenderReportSentAt
return DateTime

LastTimestamp public_oe property

public uint LastTimestamp
return uint

LocalIceCandidates public_oe property

public List LocalIceCandidates
return List

LocalIcePassword public_oe property

public string LocalIcePassword
return string

LocalIceUser public_oe property

public string LocalIceUser
return string

RemoteIcePassword public_oe property

public string RemoteIcePassword
return string

RemoteIceUser public_oe property

public string RemoteIceUser
return string

SDP public_oe property

public string SDP
return string

SSRC public_oe property

public uint SSRC
return uint

SdpSessionID public_oe property

public string SdpSessionID
return string

SequenceNumber public_oe property

public ushort SequenceNumber
return ushort