C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.Discourse.InterlinRibbon

This class displays a one-line ribbon of interlinear text which keeps adding more at the end as stuff at the start gets moved into the main chart.
Inheritance: SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.SimpleRootSite, IInterlinRibbon
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
m_InSelectionChanged bool
m_occurenceListId int

Private Properties

Property Type Description
EmitPropChanged void

Public Methods

Method Description
CacheRibbonItems ( List wordForms ) : void

Replaces cached ribbon words with input wordforms. Handles PropChanged, as UOW won't emit PropChanged to private Ribbon Decorator items.

GetAvailWidth ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : int

Suppress wrapping by allowing it to be as wide as desired. Todo: for RTL we will have to do something tricky about horizontal scrolling to see the actual text.

InterlinRibbon ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, int hvoRoot ) : System

Make one.

MakeInitialSelection ( ) : void
MakeRoot ( ) : void
SelectFirstOccurence ( ) : void
SetRoot ( int hvoStText ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
GetScrollOffsets ( int &dxd, int &dyd ) : void
HandleSelectionChange ( object sender, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.VwSelectionArgs args ) : void

This override ensures that we always have whole objects selected. Enhance: it may cause flicker during drag, in which case, we may change to only do it on mouse up, or only IF the mouse is up.

OnEditingHelperCreated ( ) : void

Called when the editing helper is created.

OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
SelectUpTo ( int end1 ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
EmitPropChanged ( ) : void

Method Details

CacheRibbonItems() public method

Replaces cached ribbon words with input wordforms. Handles PropChanged, as UOW won't emit PropChanged to private Ribbon Decorator items.
public CacheRibbonItems ( List wordForms ) : void
wordForms List
return void

Dispose() protected method

protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

GetAvailWidth() public method

Suppress wrapping by allowing it to be as wide as desired. Todo: for RTL we will have to do something tricky about horizontal scrolling to see the actual text.
public GetAvailWidth ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : int
prootb IVwRootBox
return int

GetScrollOffsets() protected method

protected GetScrollOffsets ( int &dxd, int &dyd ) : void
dxd int
dyd int
return void

HandleSelectionChange() protected method

This override ensures that we always have whole objects selected. Enhance: it may cause flicker during drag, in which case, we may change to only do it on mouse up, or only IF the mouse is up.
protected HandleSelectionChange ( object sender, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.VwSelectionArgs args ) : void
sender object
args SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.VwSelectionArgs
return void

InterlinRibbon() public method

Make one.
public InterlinRibbon ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, int hvoRoot ) : System
cache SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache
hvoRoot int
return System

MakeInitialSelection() public method

public MakeInitialSelection ( ) : void
return void

MakeRoot() public method

public MakeRoot ( ) : void
return void

OnEditingHelperCreated() protected method

Called when the editing helper is created.
protected OnEditingHelperCreated ( ) : void
return void

OnLoad() protected method

protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
return void

SelectFirstOccurence() public method

public SelectFirstOccurence ( ) : void
return void

SelectUpTo() protected method

protected SelectUpTo ( int end1 ) : void
end1 int
return void

SetRoot() public method

public SetRoot ( int hvoStText ) : void
hvoStText int
return void

Property Details

m_InSelectionChanged protected_oe property

protected bool m_InSelectionChanged
return bool

m_occurenceListId protected_oe property

protected int m_occurenceListId
return int