C# Class RockWeb.Blocks.WorkFlow.WorkflowTypeDetail

Inheritance: Rock.Web.UI.RockBlock
Exibir arquivo Open project: SparkDevNetwork/Rock

Private Properties

Property Type Description
BindAttributesGrid void
BuildActionControl Rock.Web.UI.Controls.WorkflowActionTypeEditor
BuildActivityControl Rock.Web.UI.Controls.WorkflowActivityTypeEditor
BuildControls void
HideDialog void
LoadDropDowns void
LoadStateDetails void
ParseControls void
ReOrderAttributes void
SaveAttributes void
SetEditMode void
ShowActivityAttributeEdit void
ShowAttributeEdit void
ShowDetail void
ShowDialog void
ShowDialog void
ShowEditDetails void
ShowReadonlyDetails void
SortActions void
SortActivities void
SortAttributes void
SortFormFields void
control_AddAttributeClick void
control_DeleteAttributeClick void
control_EditAttributeClick void
control_RebindAttributeClick void
control_ReorderAttributeClick void

Protected Methods

Method Description
LoadViewState ( object savedState ) : void

Restores the view-state information from a previous user control request that was saved by the M:System.Web.UI.UserControl.SaveViewState method.

OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init event.

OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load event.

SaveViewState ( ) : object

Saves any user control view-state changes that have occurred since the last page postback.

btnCancel_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnCancel control.

btnCopy_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnCopy control.

btnDelete_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnDelete control.

btnEdit_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnEdit control.

btnLaunch_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnLaunch control.

btnManage_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnManage control.

btnSave_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.

dlgActivityAttribute_SaveClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the SaveClick event of the dlgAttribute control.

dlgAttribute_SaveClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the SaveClick event of the dlgAttribute control.

gAttributes_Add ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Add event of the gAttributes control.

gAttributes_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Delete event of the gAttributes control.

gAttributes_Edit ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Edit event of the gAttributes control.

gAttributes_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the GridRebind event of the gAttributes control.

gAttributes_GridReorder ( object sender, Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridReorderEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the GridReorder event of the gAttributes control.

lbAddActivityType_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the lbAddActivity control.

workflowActionTypeEditor_ChangeActionTypeClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the ChangeActionTypeClick event of the workflowActionTypeEditor control.

workflowActionTypeEditor_DeleteActionTypeClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the DeleteActionTypeClick event of the workflowActionTypeEditor control.

workflowActivityTypeEditor_AddActionTypeClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the AddActionTypeClick event of the workflowActivityTypeEditor control.

workflowActivityTypeEditor_DeleteActivityClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the DeleteActivityClick event of the workflowActivityTypeEditor control.

Private Methods

Method Description
BindAttributesGrid ( ) : void

Binds the group type attributes grid.

BuildActionControl ( Control parentControl, bool setValues, WorkflowActionType actionType, Attribute>.Dictionary attributes, string>.Dictionary activities, System.Guid activeWorkflowActionTypeGuid = null, bool showInvalid = false ) : WorkflowActionTypeEditor

Builds the action control.

BuildActivityControl ( Control parentControl, bool setValues, WorkflowActivityType activityType, Attribute>.Dictionary workflowAttributes, System.Guid activeActivityTypeGuid = null, System.Guid activeWorkflowActionTypeGuid = null, bool showInvalid = false ) : WorkflowActivityTypeEditor

Builds the activity control.

BuildControls ( bool setValues = false, System.Guid activeActivityTypeGuid = null, System.Guid activeActionTypeGuid = null ) : void

Builds the controls.

HideDialog ( ) : void

Hides the dialog.

LoadDropDowns ( ) : void

Loads the drop downs.

LoadStateDetails ( WorkflowType workflowType, RockContext rockContext ) : void
ParseControls ( bool expandInvalid = false ) : void

Parses the controls.

ReOrderAttributes ( List attributeList ) : void

Reorder attributes.

SaveAttributes ( int entityTypeId, string qualifierColumn, string qualifierValue, List attributes, RockContext rockContext ) : void

Saves the attributes.

SetEditMode ( bool editable ) : void

Sets the edit mode.

ShowActivityAttributeEdit ( System.Guid activityTypeGuid, System.Guid attributeGuid ) : void

Shows the attribute edit.

ShowAttributeEdit ( System.Guid attributeGuid ) : void

Shows the attribute edit.

ShowDetail ( ) : void

Shows the detail.

ShowDialog ( bool setValues = false ) : void

Shows the dialog.

ShowDialog ( string dialog, bool setValues = false ) : void

Shows the dialog.

ShowEditDetails ( WorkflowType workflowType, RockContext rockContext ) : void

Shows the edit details.

ShowReadonlyDetails ( WorkflowType workflowType ) : void

Shows the readonly details.

SortActions ( System.Guid guid, int newIndex ) : void

Sorts the actions.

SortActivities ( System.Guid guid, int newIndex ) : void

Sorts the activities.

SortAttributes ( List attributeList, int oldIndex, int newIndex ) : void

Reorders the attribute list.

SortFormFields ( System.Guid guid, int newIndex ) : void

Sorts the form fields.

control_AddAttributeClick ( object sender, WorkflowActivityTypeAttributeEventArg e ) : void
control_DeleteAttributeClick ( object sender, WorkflowActivityTypeAttributeEventArg e ) : void
control_EditAttributeClick ( object sender, WorkflowActivityTypeAttributeEventArg e ) : void
control_RebindAttributeClick ( object sender, WorkflowActivityTypeAttributeEventArg e ) : void
control_ReorderAttributeClick ( object sender, WorkflowActivityTypeAttributeEventArg e ) : void

Method Details

LoadViewState() protected method

Restores the view-state information from a previous user control request that was saved by the M:System.Web.UI.UserControl.SaveViewState method.
protected LoadViewState ( object savedState ) : void
savedState object An that represents the user control state to be restored.
return void

OnInit() protected method

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init event.
protected OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs An object that contains the event data.
return void

OnLoad() protected method

Raises the E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load event.
protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs The object that contains the event data.
return void

SaveViewState() protected method

Saves any user control view-state changes that have occurred since the last page postback.
protected SaveViewState ( ) : object
return object

btnCancel_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnCancel control.
protected btnCancel_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnCopy_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnCopy control.
protected btnCopy_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnDelete_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnDelete control.
protected btnDelete_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnEdit_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnEdit control.
protected btnEdit_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnLaunch_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnLaunch control.
protected btnLaunch_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnManage_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnManage control.
protected btnManage_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

btnSave_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
protected btnSave_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

dlgActivityAttribute_SaveClick() protected method

Handles the SaveClick event of the dlgAttribute control.
protected dlgActivityAttribute_SaveClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

dlgAttribute_SaveClick() protected method

Handles the SaveClick event of the dlgAttribute control.
protected dlgAttribute_SaveClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gAttributes_Add() protected method

Handles the Add event of the gAttributes control.
protected gAttributes_Add ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gAttributes_Delete() protected method

Handles the Delete event of the gAttributes control.
protected gAttributes_Delete ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gAttributes_Edit() protected method

Handles the Edit event of the gAttributes control.
protected gAttributes_Edit ( object sender, RowEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.RowEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gAttributes_GridRebind() protected method

Handles the GridRebind event of the gAttributes control.
protected gAttributes_GridRebind ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

gAttributes_GridReorder() protected method

Handles the GridReorder event of the gAttributes control.
protected gAttributes_GridReorder ( object sender, Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridReorderEventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridReorderEventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

lbAddActivityType_Click() protected method

Handles the Click event of the lbAddActivity control.
protected lbAddActivityType_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

workflowActionTypeEditor_ChangeActionTypeClick() protected method

Handles the ChangeActionTypeClick event of the workflowActionTypeEditor control.
protected workflowActionTypeEditor_ChangeActionTypeClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

workflowActionTypeEditor_DeleteActionTypeClick() protected method

Handles the DeleteActionTypeClick event of the workflowActionTypeEditor control.
protected workflowActionTypeEditor_DeleteActionTypeClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

workflowActivityTypeEditor_AddActionTypeClick() protected method

Handles the AddActionTypeClick event of the workflowActivityTypeEditor control.
protected workflowActivityTypeEditor_AddActionTypeClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

workflowActivityTypeEditor_DeleteActivityClick() protected method

Handles the DeleteActivityClick event of the workflowActivityTypeEditor control.
protected workflowActivityTypeEditor_DeleteActivityClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object The source of the event.
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void