C# Class Rebel.Hive.AbstractProviderBootstrapper

An abstraction of a bootstrapper implemented by providers in order to handle any install tasks
Exibir arquivo Open project: RebelCMS/rebelcmsxu5 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ConfigureApplication ( string providerKey, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument configXml, BendyObject installParams ) : void

Creates any necessary configuration files/transforms for the provider to operate

GetInstallStatus ( ) : InstallStatus

Gets the current installation status of the provider.

TryInstall ( ) : InstallStatus

Attempts to run installation tasks and reports status.

Method Details

ConfigureApplication() public abstract method

Creates any necessary configuration files/transforms for the provider to operate
public abstract ConfigureApplication ( string providerKey, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument configXml, BendyObject installParams ) : void
providerKey string The provider key for the provider that is being configured
configXml System.Xml.Linq.XDocument The configuration xml file that needs to be written to
installParams BendyObject /// TODO: This is only a temporary way of passing arbitrary parameters to a provider to create its configuration, /// we need to allow hive providers to return a model for which we display a form/installer for and then pass in that /// model to the installParams ///
return void

GetInstallStatus() public abstract method

Gets the current installation status of the provider.
public abstract GetInstallStatus ( ) : InstallStatus
return Rebel.Framework.ProviderSupport.InstallStatus

TryInstall() public abstract method

Attempts to run installation tasks and reports status.
public abstract TryInstall ( ) : InstallStatus
return Rebel.Framework.ProviderSupport.InstallStatus