C# Class MsgPack.Unpacking

Exibir arquivo Open project: msgpack/msgpack-cli Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
UnpackArray ( Stream source ) : IList

Unpacks the array value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackArrayLength ( Stream source ) : Int64?

Unpacks length of the array value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackBinary ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the raw binary from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackBinary(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackBinary ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the raw binary from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackBinary ( Stream source ) : byte[]

Unpacks the raw binary value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackBoolean ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the boolean from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackBoolean(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackBoolean ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the boolean from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackBoolean ( Stream source ) : bool

Unpacks the boolean value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackByte ( Stream source ) : Byte

Unpacks System.Byte value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackByte ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Byte value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackByte(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackByte ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Byte value from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackByteStream ( Stream source ) : UnpackingStream

Unpacks raw value from the specified Stream as UnpackingStream.

UnpackingStream does not own source, so source still should be closed.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackCharStream ( Stream source ) : MsgPack.UnpackingStreamReader

Unpacks raw value from the specified Stream as UnpackingStreamReader with UTF-8 encoding.

if source contains invalid sequence as UTF-8 encoding string, the DecoderFallbackException may occurs on read char.

UnpackingStreamReader does not own source, so source still should be closed.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackCharStream ( Stream source, Encoding encoding ) : MsgPack.UnpackingStreamReader

Unpacks raw value from the specified Stream as UnpackingStreamReader with specified encoding.

if source contains invalid sequence as specified encoding string, the DecoderFallbackException may occurs on read char.

UnpackingStreamReader does not own source, so source still should be closed.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackDictionary ( Stream source ) : MessagePackObjectDictionary

Unpacks the dictionary value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackDictionary ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the dictionary from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackDictionary(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackDictionary ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the dictionary from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackDictionaryCount ( Stream source ) : Int64?

Unpacks count of the dictionary entries value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackDouble ( Stream source ) : Double

Unpacks System.Double value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackDouble ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Double value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackDouble(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackDouble ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Double value from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackExtendedTypeObject ( Stream source ) : MessagePackExtendedTypeObject

Unpacks the MessagePackExtendedTypeObject which represents the extended type value. value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackExtendedTypeObject ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the MessagePackExtendedTypeObject which represents the extended type value. from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackExtendedTypeObject(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackExtendedTypeObject ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the MessagePackExtendedTypeObject which represents the extended type value. from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackInt16 ( Stream source ) : Int16

Unpacks System.Int16 value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackInt16 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Int16 value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackInt16(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackInt16 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Int16 value from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackInt32 ( Stream source ) : Int32

Unpacks System.Int32 value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackInt32 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Int32 value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackInt32(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackInt32 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Int32 value from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackInt64 ( Stream source ) : System.Int64

Unpacks System.Int64 value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackInt64 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Int64 value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackInt64(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackInt64 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Int64 value from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackNull ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the nil from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackNull(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackNull ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the nil from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackNull ( Stream source ) : object

Unpacks the nil value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackObject ( Stream source ) : MessagePackObject

Unpacks the MessagePackObject which represents the value which has MessagePack type semantics. value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackObject ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the MessagePackObject which represents the value which has MessagePack type semantics. from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackObject(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackObject ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks the MessagePackObject which represents the value which has MessagePack type semantics. from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackSingle ( Stream source ) : System.Single

Unpacks System.Single value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackSingle ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Single value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackSingle(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackSingle ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks System.Single value from the specified byte array.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.

UnpackString ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks String value from the head of specified byte array with UTF-8 encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackString ( byte source, Encoding encoding ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks String value from the head of specified byte array with specified encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackString ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks String value from specified offsetted byte array with UTF-8 encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackString ( byte source, int offset, Encoding encoding ) : UnpackingResult

Unpacks String value from specified offsetted byte array with specified encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

UnpackString ( Stream source ) : string

Unpacks String value from the specified Stream with UTF-8 encoding.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

UnpackString ( Stream source, Encoding encoding ) : string

Unpacks String value from the specified Stream with specified encoding.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

Private Methods

Method Description
IsNil ( Unpacker unpacker ) : bool
NewInvalidEncodingException ( Encoding encoding, Exception innerException ) : Exception
NewTypeMismatchException ( Type requestedType, InvalidOperationException innerException ) : Exception
ReadBytes ( Stream source, int length ) : byte[]
UnpackArray ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult>
UnpackArray ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult>
UnpackArrayCore ( Stream source ) : IList
UnpackArrayCore ( Unpacker unpacker ) : IList
UnpackArrayLength ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackArrayLength ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackArrayLengthCore ( Stream source ) : uint?
UnpackBinaryCore ( Stream source ) : byte[]
UnpackBooleanCore ( Stream source ) : bool
UnpackByteCore ( Stream source ) : Byte
UnpackByteStreamCore ( Stream source ) : UnpackingStream
UnpackDictionaryCore ( Stream source ) : MessagePackObjectDictionary
UnpackDictionaryCore ( Unpacker unpacker ) : MessagePackObjectDictionary
UnpackDictionaryCount ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackDictionaryCount ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackDictionaryCountCore ( Stream source ) : uint?
UnpackDoubleCore ( Stream source ) : Double
UnpackExtendedTypeObjectCore ( Stream source ) : MessagePackExtendedTypeObject
UnpackInt16Core ( Stream source ) : Int16
UnpackInt32Core ( Stream source ) : Int32
UnpackInt64Core ( Stream source ) : System.Int64
UnpackNullCore ( Stream source ) : object
UnpackObjectCore ( Stream source ) : MessagePackObject
UnpackObjectCore ( Unpacker unpacker ) : MessagePackObject
UnpackOne ( Unpacker unpacker ) : void
UnpackRawLengthCore ( Stream source ) : uint
UnpackSByte ( Stream source ) : SByte
UnpackSByte ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackSByte ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackSByteCore ( Stream source ) : SByte
UnpackSingleCore ( Stream source ) : System.Single
UnpackUInt16 ( Stream source ) : UInt16
UnpackUInt16 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackUInt16 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackUInt16Core ( Stream source ) : UInt16
UnpackUInt32 ( Stream source ) : UInt32
UnpackUInt32 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackUInt32 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackUInt32Core ( Stream source ) : UInt32
UnpackUInt64 ( Stream source ) : System.UInt64
UnpackUInt64 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackUInt64 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
UnpackUInt64Core ( Stream source ) : System.UInt64
ValidateByteArray ( byte source, int offset ) : void
ValidateStream ( Stream source ) : void
VerifyIsScalar ( Unpacker unpacker ) : void

Method Details

UnpackArray() public static method

Unpacks the array value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackArray ( Stream source ) : IList
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return IList

UnpackArrayLength() public static method

Unpacks length of the array value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to nullable . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackArrayLength ( Stream source ) : Int64?
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return Int64?

UnpackBinary() public static method

Unpacks the raw binary from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackBinary(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to []. /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackBinary ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackBinary() public static method

Unpacks the raw binary from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to []. /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackBinary ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackBinary() public static method

Unpacks the raw binary value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to []. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackBinary ( Stream source ) : byte[]
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return byte[]

UnpackBoolean() public static method

Unpacks the boolean from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackBoolean(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackBoolean ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackBoolean() public static method

Unpacks the boolean from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackBoolean ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackBoolean() public static method

Unpacks the boolean value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackBoolean ( Stream source ) : bool
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return bool

UnpackByte() public static method

Unpacks System.Byte value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackByte ( Stream source ) : Byte
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return Byte

UnpackByte() public static method

Unpacks System.Byte value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackByte(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackByte ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackByte() public static method

Unpacks System.Byte value from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackByte ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackByteStream() public static method

Unpacks raw value from the specified Stream as UnpackingStream.

UnpackingStream does not own source, so source still should be closed.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not raw binary. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackByteStream ( Stream source ) : UnpackingStream
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingStream

UnpackCharStream() public static method

Unpacks raw value from the specified Stream as UnpackingStreamReader with UTF-8 encoding.

if source contains invalid sequence as UTF-8 encoding string, the DecoderFallbackException may occurs on read char.

UnpackingStreamReader does not own source, so source still should be closed.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not raw binary. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackCharStream ( Stream source ) : MsgPack.UnpackingStreamReader
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return MsgPack.UnpackingStreamReader

UnpackCharStream() public static method

Unpacks raw value from the specified Stream as UnpackingStreamReader with specified encoding.

if source contains invalid sequence as specified encoding string, the DecoderFallbackException may occurs on read char.

UnpackingStreamReader does not own source, so source still should be closed.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// Or, is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not raw binary. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackCharStream ( Stream source, Encoding encoding ) : MsgPack.UnpackingStreamReader
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
encoding Encoding The to decode binary stream.
return MsgPack.UnpackingStreamReader

UnpackDictionary() public static method

Unpacks the dictionary value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackDictionary ( Stream source ) : MessagePackObjectDictionary
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return MessagePackObjectDictionary

UnpackDictionary() public static method

Unpacks the dictionary from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackDictionary(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackDictionary ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackDictionary() public static method

Unpacks the dictionary from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackDictionary ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackDictionaryCount() public static method

Unpacks count of the dictionary entries value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to nullable . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackDictionaryCount ( Stream source ) : Int64?
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return Int64?

UnpackDouble() public static method

Unpacks System.Double value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackDouble ( Stream source ) : Double
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return Double

UnpackDouble() public static method

Unpacks System.Double value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackDouble(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackDouble ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackDouble() public static method

Unpacks System.Double value from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackDouble ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackExtendedTypeObject() public static method

Unpacks the MessagePackExtendedTypeObject which represents the extended type value. value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackExtendedTypeObject ( Stream source ) : MessagePackExtendedTypeObject
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return MessagePackExtendedTypeObject

UnpackExtendedTypeObject() public static method

Unpacks the MessagePackExtendedTypeObject which represents the extended type value. from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackExtendedTypeObject(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackExtendedTypeObject ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackExtendedTypeObject() public static method

Unpacks the MessagePackExtendedTypeObject which represents the extended type value. from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// /// The items count of the underlying collection body is over . ///
public static UnpackExtendedTypeObject ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackInt16() public static method

Unpacks System.Int16 value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackInt16 ( Stream source ) : Int16
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return System.Int16

UnpackInt16() public static method

Unpacks System.Int16 value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackInt16(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackInt16 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackInt16() public static method

Unpacks System.Int16 value from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackInt16 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackInt32() public static method

Unpacks System.Int32 value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackInt32 ( Stream source ) : Int32
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return System.Int32

UnpackInt32() public static method

Unpacks System.Int32 value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackInt32(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackInt32 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackInt32() public static method

Unpacks System.Int32 value from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackInt32 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackInt64() public static method

Unpacks System.Int64 value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackInt64 ( Stream source ) : System.Int64
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return System.Int64

UnpackInt64() public static method

Unpacks System.Int64 value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackInt64(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackInt64 ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackInt64() public static method

Unpacks System.Int64 value from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackInt64 ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackNull() public static method

Unpacks the nil from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackNull(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackNull ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackNull() public static method

Unpacks the nil from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackNull ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackNull() public static method

Unpacks the nil value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackNull ( Stream source ) : object
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return object

UnpackObject() public static method

Unpacks the MessagePackObject which represents the value which has MessagePack type semantics. value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackObject ( Stream source ) : MessagePackObject
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return MessagePackObject

UnpackObject() public static method

Unpacks the MessagePackObject which represents the value which has MessagePack type semantics. from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackObject(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackObject ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackObject() public static method

Unpacks the MessagePackObject which represents the value which has MessagePack type semantics. from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackObject ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackSingle() public static method

Unpacks System.Single value from the specified Stream.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackSingle ( Stream source ) : System.Single
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return System.Single

UnpackSingle() public static method

Unpacks System.Single value from the head of specified byte array.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackSingle(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackSingle ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackSingle() public static method

Unpacks System.Single value from the specified byte array.
When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[], int) instead.
/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not grator than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . ///
public static UnpackSingle ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackString() public static method

Unpacks String value from the head of specified byte array with UTF-8 encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Or, the unpacked result in the is invalid as UTF-8 encoded byte stream. ///
public static UnpackString ( byte source ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackString() public static method

Unpacks String value from the head of specified byte array with specified encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// Or, is null. /// /// is empty. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Or, the unpacked result in the is invalid as UTF-8 encoded byte stream. ///
public static UnpackString ( byte source, Encoding encoding ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
encoding Encoding The to decode binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackString() public static method

Unpacks String value from specified offsetted byte array with UTF-8 encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not greater than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Or, the unpacked result in the is invalid as specified encoding byte stream. ///
public static UnpackString ( byte source, int offset ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackString() public static method

Unpacks String value from specified offsetted byte array with specified encoding.

Invocation of this method is equivalant to call UnpackString(byte[], int) with offset is 0.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(byte[]) instead.

/// is null. /// Or, is null. /// /// is empty. /// Or, the length of is not greater than . /// /// is negative value. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not compatible to . /// Or, the unpacked result in the is invalid as specified encoding byte stream. ///
public static UnpackString ( byte source, int offset, Encoding encoding ) : UnpackingResult
source byte The byte array which contains Message Pack binary stream.
offset int The offset to be unpacking start with.
encoding Encoding The to decode binary stream.
return UnpackingResult

UnpackString() public static method

Unpacks String value from the specified Stream with UTF-8 encoding.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not raw binary. /// Or, the unpacked result in the is invalid as UTF-8 encoded byte stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackString ( Stream source ) : string
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
return string

UnpackString() public static method

Unpacks String value from the specified Stream with specified encoding.

The processed bytes count can be calculated via P:Stream.Position of source when the P:Stream.CanSeek is true.

When the type of packed value is not known, use UnpackObject(Stream) instead.

/// is null. /// Or is null. /// /// The of is false. /// /// is not valid MessagePack stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. /// /// The unpacked result in the is not raw binary. /// Or, the unpacked result in the is invalid as specified encoding byte stream. /// Note that the state of will be unpredictable espicially it is not seekable. ///
public static UnpackString ( Stream source, Encoding encoding ) : string
source Stream The which contains Message Pack binary stream.
encoding Encoding The to decode binary stream.
return string