C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_ASCMD.MS_ASCMDAdapter

Partial class here contains server role capture code.
Inheritance: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.ManagedAdapterBase, IMS_ASCMDAdapter
Exibir arquivo Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

Private Methods

Method Description
CaptureCodePageRequirement ( int codePageNumber, string codePageName, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the requirements for code pages.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage0 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 0.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage1 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 1.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage10 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 10.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage11 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 11.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage12 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 12.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage13 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 13.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage14 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 14.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage15 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 15.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage16 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 16.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage17 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 17.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage18 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 18.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage19 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 19.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage2 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 2.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage20 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 20.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage21 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 21.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage22 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 22.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage23 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 23.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage24 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 24.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage4 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 4.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage5 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 5.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage6 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 6.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage7 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 7.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage8 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 8.

CaptureRequirementsRelateToCodePage9 ( int codePageNumber, string tagName, byte token ) : void

Verify the tags and tokens in WBXML code page 9.

VerifyApplicationDataForSyncAddChange ( ) : void

Verify ApplicationData element for Add and Change in Sync command.

VerifyAutodiscoverCommand ( Microsoft autodiscoverResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the Auotdiscover response related requirements.

VerifyContainerDataType ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the container data type related requirements.

VerifyDateTimeStructure ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the dateTime related requirements.

VerifyDebugDataElement ( string debugData ) : void

Verify DebugData element when the Autodiscover response is received successfully.

VerifyElementsForResponses ( XmlElement element ) : void

Verify child elements for Responses element in Sync command.

VerifyEmailAddresses ( EmailAddresses emailAddresses ) : void

Verify EmailAddresses element

VerifyErrorCodeElement ( string errorCode ) : void

Verify ErrorCode element in Error element.

VerifyFolderCreateCommand ( FolderCreateResponse folderCreateResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the FolderCreate response related requirements.

VerifyFolderDeleteCommand ( FolderDeleteResponse folderDeleteResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the FolderDelete response related requirements.

VerifyFolderElement ( FoldersFolder folder ) : void

Verify the requirements about folder element.

VerifyFolderSyncCommand ( FolderSyncResponse folderSyncResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the FolderSync response related requirements.

VerifyFolderUpdateCommand ( FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the FolderUpdate response related requirements.

VerifyGetHierarchyCommand ( GetHierarchyResponse response ) : void

This method is used to verify the GetHierarchy response related requirements.

VerifyGetItemEstimateCommand ( Microsoft getItemEstimateResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the GetItemEstimate response related requirements.

VerifyIntegerDataType ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the integer data type related requirements.

VerifyItemOperationsCommand ( Microsoft itemOperationsResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the ItemOperations response related requirements.

VerifyMeetingResponseCommand ( MeetingResponseResponse meetingResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the MeetingResponse response related requirements.

VerifyMessageElement ( string message ) : void

Verify Message element when the Autodiscover response is received successfully.

VerifyMoveItemsCommand ( Microsoft moveItemsResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the MoveItems response related requirements.

VerifyPingCommand ( PingResponse pingResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the Ping response related requirements.

VerifyProvisionCommand ( ProvisionResponse provisionResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the Provision response related requirements.

VerifyRecipientCountElement ( int recipientCount ) : void

Verify RecipientCount element for ResolveRecipients.

VerifyResolveRecipientsCommand ( Microsoft resolveRecipientsResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the ResolveRecipients response related requirements.

VerifySearchCommand ( Microsoft searchResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the Search response related requirements.

VerifySendMailCommand ( SendMailResponse sendMailResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the SendMail response related requirements.

VerifyServerIdElementForSync ( string serverId ) : void

Verify ServerId element for Sync.

VerifyServerIdElementForSyncResponses ( string serverId ) : void

Verify ServerId element for Sync responses.

VerifySettingsCommand ( SettingsResponse settingsResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the Settings response related requirements.

VerifySmartForwardCommand ( SmartForwardResponse smartForwardResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the SmartForward response related requirements.

VerifySmartReplyCommand ( SmartReplyResponse smartReplyResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the SmartReply response related requirements.

VerifyStatusElementForResolveRecipients ( int status ) : void

Verify Status element for ResolveRecipients.

VerifyStatusElementForSearch ( ) : void

Verify Status element for Search.

VerifyStatusElementForSettings ( ) : void

Verify Status element for Settings.

VerifyStatusElementForSync ( ) : void

Verify Status element for Sync command.

VerifyStatusElementForValidateCert ( ) : void

Verify Status element for ValidateCert.

VerifyStringDataType ( ) : void

This method is used to verify the string data type related requirements.

VerifySyncCommand ( SyncResponse syncResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the Sync response related requirements.

VerifyTimeAttribute ( string time ) : void

This method is used to verify the ABNF syntax of Time attribute in Error Element

VerifyTransportRequirements ( ) : void

Verify the requirements of the transport when the response is received successfully.

VerifyUnsignedByteDataType ( byte byteValue ) : void

This method is used to verify the unsignedByte data type related requirements.

VerifyValidateCertCommand ( ValidateCertResponse validateCertResponse ) : void

This method is used to verify the ValidateCert response related requirements.

VerifyWBXMLCapture ( CommandName cmdName, object response ) : void

Verify WBXML Capture for WBXML process.