C# Class Emgu.CV.StereoSGBM

This is a variation of "Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information" by Heiko Hirschmuller. We match blocks rather than individual pixels, thus the algorithm is called SGBM (Semi-global block matching)
Inheritance: Emgu.Util.UnmanagedObject
Exibir arquivo Open project: fajoy/RTSPExample Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
FindStereoCorrespondence ( Byte>.Image left, Byte>.Image right, Int16>.Image disparity ) : void

Computes disparity map for the input rectified stereo pair.

Invalid pixels (for which disparity can not be computed) are set to (state->minDisparity-1)*16

StereoSGBM ( int minDisparity, int numDisparities, int SADWindowSize, int P1, int P2, int disp12MaxDiff, int preFilterCap, int uniquenessRatio, int speckleWindowSize, int speckleRange, bool fullDP ) : System

Create a stereo disparity solver using StereoSGBM algorithm (combination of H. Hirschmuller + K. Konolige approaches)

Protected Methods

Method Description
DisposeObject ( ) : void

Release the unmanged memory associated with this stereo solver

Method Details

DisposeObject() protected method

Release the unmanged memory associated with this stereo solver
protected DisposeObject ( ) : void
return void

FindStereoCorrespondence() public method

Computes disparity map for the input rectified stereo pair.
Invalid pixels (for which disparity can not be computed) are set to (state->minDisparity-1)*16
public FindStereoCorrespondence ( Byte>.Image left, Byte>.Image right, Int16>.Image disparity ) : void
left Byte>.Image The left single-channel, 8-bit image
right Byte>.Image The right image of the same size and the same type
disparity Int16>.Image The output single-channel 16-bit signed disparity map of the same size as input images. Its elements will be the computed disparities, multiplied by 16 and rounded to integer's
return void

StereoSGBM() public method

Create a stereo disparity solver using StereoSGBM algorithm (combination of H. Hirschmuller + K. Konolige approaches)
public StereoSGBM ( int minDisparity, int numDisparities, int SADWindowSize, int P1, int P2, int disp12MaxDiff, int preFilterCap, int uniquenessRatio, int speckleWindowSize, int speckleRange, bool fullDP ) : System
minDisparity int
numDisparities int
SADWindowSize int Set this to 0 for default
P1 int Use 0 for default
P2 int Use 0 for default
disp12MaxDiff int Use 0 for default
preFilterCap int Use 0 for default
uniquenessRatio int Use 0 for default
speckleWindowSize int Use 0 for default
speckleRange int Use 0 for default
fullDP bool Use false for default
return System