C# Class Accord.Imaging.Filters.CanvasMove

Move canvas to the specified point.

The filter moves canvas to the specified area filling unused empty areas with specified color.

The filter accepts 8/16 bpp grayscale images and 24/32/48/64 bpp color image for processing.

Sample usage:

// create filter CanvasMove filter = new CanvasMove( new IntPoint( -50, -50 ), Color.Green ); // apply the filter filter.ApplyInPlace( image );

Initial image:

Result image:

Inheritance: BaseInPlaceFilter
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Public Methods

Method Description
CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint ) : System.Drawing

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.

CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint, Color fillColorRGB ) : System.Drawing

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.

CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint, Color fillColorRGB, byte fillColorGray ) : System.Drawing

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.

CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint, byte fillColorGray ) : System.Drawing

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
ProcessFilter ( UnmanagedImage image ) : void

Process the filter on the specified image.

Private Methods

Method Description
CanvasMove ( ) : System.Drawing
ProcessFilter16bpc ( UnmanagedImage image ) : void
ProcessFilter8bpc ( UnmanagedImage image ) : void

Method Details

CanvasMove() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.
public CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint ) : System.Drawing
movePoint IntPoint Point to move the canvas to.
return System.Drawing

CanvasMove() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.
public CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint, Color fillColorRGB ) : System.Drawing
movePoint IntPoint Point to move the canvas.
fillColorRGB System.Drawing.Color RGB color to use for filling areas empty areas in color images.
return System.Drawing

CanvasMove() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.
public CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint, Color fillColorRGB, byte fillColorGray ) : System.Drawing
movePoint IntPoint Point to move the canvas.
fillColorRGB System.Drawing.Color RGB color to use for filling areas empty areas in color images.
fillColorGray byte Gray color to use for filling empty areas in grayscale images.
return System.Drawing

CanvasMove() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CanvasMove class.
public CanvasMove ( IntPoint movePoint, byte fillColorGray ) : System.Drawing
movePoint IntPoint Point to move the canvas.
fillColorGray byte Gray color to use for filling empty areas in grayscale images.
return System.Drawing

ProcessFilter() protected method

Process the filter on the specified image.
protected ProcessFilter ( UnmanagedImage image ) : void
image UnmanagedImage Source image data.
return void