C# (CSharp) SourceWriter 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AboutViewController Handles the View that is displayed inside the SourceWriter.AboutWindowController
AboutWindowController Controls the custom About Window that is displayed when the user selects the About SourceWriter Menu Item from the SourceWriter Menu.
DefinitionView Definition view used to display information about a selected AppKit.TextKit.Formatter.KeywordDescriptor currently selected in the document editor.
EditorWidowDelegate Defines a delegate for handling events on our text editor window such as asking the user to save changes to a document before closing the window.
FormatsPrefsController This controller handles the user preferences for language syntax highlighting.
MainClass The main starting point for the application.
PreferenceWidowDelegate Defines a delegate for handling events on our preference window such updating any open windows when the preference window closes.
PreferenceWindowController Controls the User Preferences window that allows the user to set their preferences for the app.
PreviewVIewController The SourceWriter.PreviewVIewController is used to present a formatted preview of the final output of a given document to the user.
PreviewWindowDelegate Defines a delegate for handling events on our text editor window such as asking the user to save changes to a document before closing the window.
TemplateViewController The SourceWriter.TemplateViewController handles the creation of a new document based on the user's selection.
ViewController Defines the View Controller for a syntax highlighting text editor view.