C# (CSharp) Majestic12 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DynaString Class for fast dynamic string building - it is faster than StringBuilder
FastHash FastHash: class provides fast look ups at the expense of memory (at least 128k per object). Its designed primarily for those hashes where majority of lookups are unsuccessful (ie object is not present) Status of this work is EXPERIMENTAL, do not make any untested assumptions. History: 15/12/06 Added range check in GetXY sometime in 2005: initial imlpementation
HTMLchunk Parsed HTML token that is either text, comment, script, open or closed tag as indicated by the oType variable.
HTMLentities Implements parsing of entities
HTMLheuristics This class will control HTML tag heuristics that will allow faster matching of tags to avoid long cycles as well as creation of same strings over and over again. This is effectively a fancy hash lookup table with attributes being hashed in context of tag
HTMLparser Allows to parse HTML by splitting it into small token (HTMLchunks) such as tags, text, comments etc. Do NOT create multiple instances of this class - REUSE single instance Do NOT call same instance from multiple threads - it is NOT thread safe