이름 |
설명 |
CollisionIsland |
Holds a list of bodies which are in contact with each other. |
CollisionSystem |
CollisionSystem. Used by the world class to detect all collisions. Can be used seperatly from the physics. |
CollisionSystem.Pair |
Helper class which holds two bodies. Mostly used for multithreaded detection. (Passing this as the object parameter to ThreadManager.Instance.AddTask) |
CollisionSystemBrute |
O(n^2) Broadphase detection. Every body is checked against each other body. This is pretty fast for scene containing just a few(~30) bodies. |
CollisionSystemPersistentSAP |
Full 3-Axis SweepAndPrune using persistent updates. |
CollisionSystemPersistentSAP.BodyPair |
CollisionSystemPersistentSAP.SweepPoint |
CollisionSystemPersistentSAP.Triangular2BitMatrix |
GJKCollide |
GJK based implementation of Raycasting. |
GJKCollide.SubSimplexClosestResult |
GJKCollide.UsageBitfield |
GJKCollide.VoronoiSimplexSolver |
XenoCollide |
Implementation of the XenoCollide Algorithm by Gary Snethen. Narrowphase collision detection highly optimized for C#. http://xenocollide.snethen.com/ |