C# 클래스 Project290.Physics.Dynamics.Joints.FixedPrismaticJoint

A prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in body1. Relative rotation is prevented. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to drive the motion or to model joint friction.
상속: Joint
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: scastle/Solitude 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
FixedPrismaticJoint ( Body body, Vector2 worldAnchor, Vector2 axis ) : System

This requires defining a line of motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.

GetReactionForce ( float inv_dt ) : Vector2
GetReactionTorque ( float inv_dt ) : float

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
InitVelocityConstraints ( TimeStep &step ) : void
SolvePositionConstraints ( ) : bool
SolveVelocityConstraints ( TimeStep &step ) : void

메소드 상세

FixedPrismaticJoint() 공개 메소드

This requires defining a line of motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.
public FixedPrismaticJoint ( Body body, Vector2 worldAnchor, Vector2 axis ) : System
body Body The body.
worldAnchor Vector2 The anchor.
axis Vector2 The axis.
리턴 System

GetReactionForce() 공개 메소드

public GetReactionForce ( float inv_dt ) : Vector2
inv_dt float
리턴 Vector2

GetReactionTorque() 공개 메소드

public GetReactionTorque ( float inv_dt ) : float
inv_dt float
리턴 float