C# 클래스 Plugin.Train

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: leezer3/OpenBVE 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DoorChange ( DoorStates oldState, DoorStates newState ) : void

Is called when the state of the doors changes.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Elapse ( ElapseData data ) : void

Is called every frame.

HornBlow ( HornTypes type ) : void

Is called when a horn is played or when the music horn is stopped.

Initialize ( InitializationModes mode ) : void

Is called when the system should initialize.

KeyDown ( VirtualKeys key ) : void

Is called when a key is pressed.

KeyUp ( VirtualKeys key ) : void

Is called when a key is released.

LoadTrainDatFile ( string file ) : bool

Sets up the devices from the specified train.dat file.

SetBeacon ( BeaconData beacon ) : void

Is called when a beacon is passed.

SetBrake ( int brakeNotch ) : void

Is called when the driver changes the brake notch.

SetPower ( int powerNotch ) : void

Is called when the driver changes the power notch.

SetReverser ( int reverser ) : void

Is called when the driver changes the reverser.

SetSignal ( SignalData signal ) : void

Is called to inform about signals.

Train ( int panel, PlaySoundDelegate playSound ) : System

Creates a new train without any devices installed.

메소드 상세

DoorChange() 공개 메소드

Is called when the state of the doors changes.
public DoorChange ( DoorStates oldState, DoorStates newState ) : void
oldState DoorStates The old state of the doors.
newState DoorStates The new state of the doors.
리턴 void