C# 클래스 NetIde.Services.Shell.TaskDialog.ActiveTaskDialog

The active Task Dialog window. Provides several methods for acting on the active TaskDialog. You should not use this object after the TaskDialog Destroy notification callback. Doing so will result in undefined behavior and likely crash.
상속: IWin32Window
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: netide/netide 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ClickButton ( int buttonId ) : bool

Simulate the action of a button click in the TaskDialog. This can be a DialogResult value or the ButtonID set on a TasDialogButton set on TaskDialog.Buttons.

ClickRadioButton ( int buttonId ) : void

Simulate the action of a radio button click in the TaskDialog. The passed buttonID is the ButtonID set on a TaskDialogButton set on TaskDialog.RadioButtons.

ClickVerification ( bool checkedState, bool setKeyboardFocusToCheckBox ) : void

Check or uncheck the verification checkbox in the TaskDialog.

EnableButton ( int buttonId, bool enable ) : void

Enable or disable a button in the TaskDialog. The passed buttonID is the ButtonID set on a TaskDialogButton set on TaskDialog.Buttons or a common button ID.

EnableRadioButton ( int buttonId, bool enable ) : void

Enable or disable a radio button in the TaskDialog. The passed buttonID is the ButtonID set on a TaskDialogButton set on TaskDialog.RadioButtons.

SetButtonElevationRequiredState ( int buttonId, bool elevationRequired ) : void

Designate whether a given Task Dialog button or command link should have a User Account Control (UAC) shield icon.

SetContent ( string content ) : bool

Updates the content text.

SetExpandedInformation ( string expandedInformation ) : bool

Updates the Expanded Information text.

SetFooter ( string footer ) : bool

Updates the Footer text.

SetMainInstruction ( string mainInstruction ) : bool

Updates the Main Instruction.

SetMarqueeProgressBar ( bool marquee ) : bool

Used to indicate whether the hosted progress bar should be displayed in marquee mode or not.

SetProgressBarPosition ( int newPosition ) : int

Set the current position for a progress bar.

SetProgressBarRange ( Int16 minRange, Int16 maxRange ) : bool

Set the minimum and maximum values for the hosted progress bar.

SetProgressBarState ( ProgressBarState newState ) : bool

Set the state of the progress bar.

UpdateContent ( string content ) : void

Updates the content text.

UpdateExpandedInformation ( string expandedInformation ) : void

Updates the Expanded Information text. No effect if it was previously set to null.

UpdateFooter ( string footer ) : void

Updates the Footer text. No Effect if it was perviously set to null.

UpdateFooterIcon ( Icon icon ) : void

Updates the footer icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.

UpdateFooterIcon ( TaskDialogIcon icon ) : void

Updates the footer icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.

UpdateMainIcon ( Icon icon ) : void

Updates the main instruction icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.

UpdateMainIcon ( TaskDialogIcon icon ) : void

Updates the main instruction icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.

UpdateMainInstruction ( string mainInstruction ) : void

Updates the Main Instruction.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ActiveTaskDialog ( IntPtr handle ) : System

Creates a ActiveTaskDialog.

SetProgressBarMarquee ( bool startMarquee, uint speed ) : void

메소드 상세

ClickButton() 공개 메소드

Simulate the action of a button click in the TaskDialog. This can be a DialogResult value or the ButtonID set on a TasDialogButton set on TaskDialog.Buttons.
public ClickButton ( int buttonId ) : bool
buttonId int Indicates the button ID to be selected.
리턴 bool

ClickRadioButton() 공개 메소드

Simulate the action of a radio button click in the TaskDialog. The passed buttonID is the ButtonID set on a TaskDialogButton set on TaskDialog.RadioButtons.
public ClickRadioButton ( int buttonId ) : void
buttonId int Indicates the button ID to be selected.
리턴 void

ClickVerification() 공개 메소드

Check or uncheck the verification checkbox in the TaskDialog.
public ClickVerification ( bool checkedState, bool setKeyboardFocusToCheckBox ) : void
checkedState bool The checked state to set the verification checkbox.
setKeyboardFocusToCheckBox bool True to set the keyboard focus to the checkbox, and fasle otherwise.
리턴 void

EnableButton() 공개 메소드

Enable or disable a button in the TaskDialog. The passed buttonID is the ButtonID set on a TaskDialogButton set on TaskDialog.Buttons or a common button ID.
public EnableButton ( int buttonId, bool enable ) : void
buttonId int Indicates the button ID to be enabled or diabled.
enable bool Enambe the button if true. Disable the button if false.
리턴 void

EnableRadioButton() 공개 메소드

Enable or disable a radio button in the TaskDialog. The passed buttonID is the ButtonID set on a TaskDialogButton set on TaskDialog.RadioButtons.
public EnableRadioButton ( int buttonId, bool enable ) : void
buttonId int Indicates the button ID to be enabled or diabled.
enable bool Enambe the button if true. Disable the button if false.
리턴 void

SetButtonElevationRequiredState() 공개 메소드

Designate whether a given Task Dialog button or command link should have a User Account Control (UAC) shield icon.
public SetButtonElevationRequiredState ( int buttonId, bool elevationRequired ) : void
buttonId int ID of the push button or command link to be updated.
elevationRequired bool False to designate that the action invoked by the button does not require elevation; /// true to designate that the action does require elevation.
리턴 void

SetContent() 공개 메소드

Updates the content text.
public SetContent ( string content ) : bool
content string The new value.
리턴 bool

SetExpandedInformation() 공개 메소드

Updates the Expanded Information text.
public SetExpandedInformation ( string expandedInformation ) : bool
expandedInformation string The new value.
리턴 bool

SetFooter() 공개 메소드

Updates the Footer text.
public SetFooter ( string footer ) : bool
footer string The new value.
리턴 bool

SetMainInstruction() 공개 메소드

Updates the Main Instruction.
public SetMainInstruction ( string mainInstruction ) : bool
mainInstruction string The new value.
리턴 bool

SetMarqueeProgressBar() 공개 메소드

Used to indicate whether the hosted progress bar should be displayed in marquee mode or not.
public SetMarqueeProgressBar ( bool marquee ) : bool
marquee bool Specifies whether the progress bar sbould be shown in Marquee mode. /// A value of true turns on Marquee mode.
리턴 bool

SetProgressBarPosition() 공개 메소드

Set the current position for a progress bar.
public SetProgressBarPosition ( int newPosition ) : int
newPosition int The new position.
리턴 int

SetProgressBarRange() 공개 메소드

Set the minimum and maximum values for the hosted progress bar.
public SetProgressBarRange ( Int16 minRange, Int16 maxRange ) : bool
minRange System.Int16 Minimum range value. By default, the minimum value is zero.
maxRange System.Int16 Maximum range value. By default, the maximum value is 100.
리턴 bool

SetProgressBarState() 공개 메소드

Set the state of the progress bar.
public SetProgressBarState ( ProgressBarState newState ) : bool
newState ProgressBarState The state to set the progress bar.
리턴 bool

UpdateContent() 공개 메소드

Updates the content text.
public UpdateContent ( string content ) : void
content string The new value.
리턴 void

UpdateExpandedInformation() 공개 메소드

Updates the Expanded Information text. No effect if it was previously set to null.
public UpdateExpandedInformation ( string expandedInformation ) : void
expandedInformation string The new value.
리턴 void

UpdateFooter() 공개 메소드

Updates the Footer text. No Effect if it was perviously set to null.
public UpdateFooter ( string footer ) : void
footer string The new value.
리턴 void

UpdateFooterIcon() 공개 메소드

Updates the footer icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.
public UpdateFooterIcon ( Icon icon ) : void
icon System.Drawing.Icon The icon to set.
리턴 void

UpdateFooterIcon() 공개 메소드

Updates the footer icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.
public UpdateFooterIcon ( TaskDialogIcon icon ) : void
icon TaskDialogIcon Task Dialog standard icon.
리턴 void

UpdateMainIcon() 공개 메소드

Updates the main instruction icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.
public UpdateMainIcon ( Icon icon ) : void
icon System.Drawing.Icon The icon to set.
리턴 void

UpdateMainIcon() 공개 메소드

Updates the main instruction icon. Note the type (standard via enum or custom via Icon type) must be used when upating the icon.
public UpdateMainIcon ( TaskDialogIcon icon ) : void
icon TaskDialogIcon Task Dialog standard icon.
리턴 void

UpdateMainInstruction() 공개 메소드

Updates the Main Instruction.
public UpdateMainInstruction ( string mainInstruction ) : void
mainInstruction string The new value.
리턴 void