C# 클래스 NativeWifi.Wlan

Defines the Native Wifi API through P/Invoke interop.
This class is intended for internal use. Use the WlanCliient class instead.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ATNoG/ODTONE 1 사용 예제들

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ThrowIfError ( int win32ErrorCode ) : void
WlanCloseHandle ( [ clientHandle, [ pReserved ) : int
WlanConnect ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ connectionParameters, IntPtr pReserved ) : int
WlanDeleteProfile ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ profileName, IntPtr reservedPtr ) : int
WlanDisconnect ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, IntPtr pReserved ) : int
WlanEnumInterfaces ( [ clientHandle, [ pReserved, [ ppInterfaceList ) : int
WlanFreeMemory ( IntPtr pMemory ) : void
WlanGetAvailableNetworkList ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ flags, [ reservedPtr, [ availableNetworkListPtr ) : int
WlanGetNetworkBssList ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ dot11SsidInt, [ dot11BssType, [ securityEnabled, IntPtr reservedPtr, [ wlanBssList ) : int
WlanGetProfile ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ profileName, [ pReserved, [ profileXml, [ flags, [ grantedAccess ) : int
WlanGetProfileList ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ pReserved, [ profileList ) : int
WlanOpenHandle ( [ clientVersion, [ pReserved, [ negotiatedVersion, [ clientHandle ) : int
WlanQueryInterface ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ opCode, [ pReserved, [ dataSize, [ ppData, [ wlanOpcodeValueType ) : int
WlanReasonCodeToString ( [ reasonCode, [ bufferSize, [ stringBuffer, IntPtr pReserved ) : int
WlanRegisterNotification ( [ clientHandle, [ notifSource, [ ignoreDuplicate, [ funcCallback, [ callbackContext, [ reserved, [ prevNotifSource ) : int
WlanScan ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ pDot11Ssid, [ pIeData, [ pReserved ) : int
WlanSetInterface ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ opCode, [ dataSize, [ pData, [ pReserved ) : int
WlanSetProfile ( [ clientHandle, [ interfaceGuid, [ flags, [ profileXml, [ allUserProfileSecurity, [ overwrite, [ pReserved, [ reasonCode ) : int