C# 클래스 NUnit.Framework.Constraints.NUnitEqualityComparer

NUnitEqualityComparer encapsulates NUnit's handling of equality tests between objects.
상속: INUnitEqualityComparer
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: nunit/nunit 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AreEqual ( object x, object y, NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance &tolerance ) : bool

Compares two objects for equality within a tolerance.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ArraysEqual ( Array x, Array y, NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance &tolerance ) : bool

Helper method to compare two arrays

CharsEqual ( char x, char y ) : bool
CollectionsEqual ( ICollection x, ICollection y, NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance &tolerance ) : bool
DictionariesEqual ( IDictionary x, IDictionary y, NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance &tolerance ) : bool
DictionaryEntriesEqual ( DictionaryEntry x, DictionaryEntry y, NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance &tolerance ) : bool
DirectoriesEqual ( DirectoryInfo x, DirectoryInfo y ) : bool

Method to compare two DirectoryInfo objects

EnumerablesEqual ( IEnumerable x, IEnumerable y, NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance &tolerance ) : bool
FirstImplementsIEquatableOfSecond ( Type first, Type second ) : MethodInfo
GetEquatableGenericArguments ( Type type ) : MethodInfo>>.IList
GetExternalComparer ( object x, object y ) : EqualityAdapter
InvokeFirstIEquatableEqualsSecond ( object first, object second, MethodInfo equals ) : bool
StreamsEqual ( Stream x, Stream y ) : bool
StringsEqual ( string x, string y ) : bool

메소드 상세

AreEqual() 공개 메소드

Compares two objects for equality within a tolerance.
public AreEqual ( object x, object y, NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance &tolerance ) : bool
x object
y object
tolerance NUnit.Framework.Constraints.Tolerance
리턴 bool