C# 클래스 Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Sarif.Result

상속: PropertyBagHolder, ISarifNode
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Microsoft/sarif-sdk 1 사용 예제들

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
DeepCloneCore ISarifNode
ISarifNode ISarifNode
Init void

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DeepClone ( ) : Result

Creates a deep copy of this instance.

Result ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Result class.

Result ( Result other ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Result class from the specified instance.

Result ( string ruleId, string ruleKey, ResultLevel level, string message, FormattedRuleMessage formattedRuleMessage, IEnumerable locations, string snippet, string id, string toolFingerprintContribution, IEnumerable stacks, IEnumerable codeFlows, IEnumerable relatedLocations, SuppressionStates suppressionStates, BaselineState baselineState, IEnumerable fixes, SerializedPropertyInfo>.IDictionary properties ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Result class from the supplied values.

ValueEquals ( Result other ) : bool
ValueGetHashCode ( ) : int

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DeepCloneCore ( ) : ISarifNode
ISarifNode ( ) : ISarifNode
Init ( string ruleId, string ruleKey, ResultLevel level, string message, FormattedRuleMessage formattedRuleMessage, IEnumerable locations, string snippet, string id, string toolFingerprintContribution, IEnumerable stacks, IEnumerable codeFlows, IEnumerable relatedLocations, SuppressionStates suppressionStates, BaselineState baselineState, IEnumerable fixes, SerializedPropertyInfo>.IDictionary properties ) : void

메소드 상세

DeepClone() 공개 메소드

Creates a deep copy of this instance.
public DeepClone ( ) : Result
리턴 Result

Result() 공개 메소드

Initializes a new instance of the Result class.
public Result ( ) : System
리턴 System

Result() 공개 메소드

Initializes a new instance of the Result class from the specified instance.
/// Thrown if is null. ///
public Result ( Result other ) : System
other Result /// The instance from which the new instance is to be initialized. ///
리턴 System

Result() 공개 메소드

Initializes a new instance of the Result class from the supplied values.
public Result ( string ruleId, string ruleKey, ResultLevel level, string message, FormattedRuleMessage formattedRuleMessage, IEnumerable locations, string snippet, string id, string toolFingerprintContribution, IEnumerable stacks, IEnumerable codeFlows, IEnumerable relatedLocations, SuppressionStates suppressionStates, BaselineState baselineState, IEnumerable fixes, SerializedPropertyInfo>.IDictionary properties ) : System
ruleId string /// An initialization value for the property. ///
ruleKey string /// An initialization value for the property. ///
level ResultLevel /// An initialization value for the property. ///
message string /// An initialization value for the property. ///
formattedRuleMessage FormattedRuleMessage /// An initialization value for the property. ///
locations IEnumerable /// An initialization value for the property. ///
snippet string /// An initialization value for the property. ///
id string /// An initialization value for the property. ///
toolFingerprintContribution string /// An initialization value for the property. ///
stacks IEnumerable /// An initialization value for the property. ///
codeFlows IEnumerable /// An initialization value for the property. ///
relatedLocations IEnumerable /// An initialization value for the property. ///
suppressionStates SuppressionStates /// An initialization value for the property. ///
baselineState BaselineState /// An initialization value for the property. ///
fixes IEnumerable /// An initialization value for the property. ///
properties SerializedPropertyInfo>.IDictionary /// An initialization value for the property. ///
리턴 System

ValueEquals() 공개 메소드

public ValueEquals ( Result other ) : bool
other Result
리턴 bool

ValueGetHashCode() 공개 메소드

public ValueGetHashCode ( ) : int
리턴 int