C# 클래스 GoogleCloudExtension.Accounts.WindowsCredentialsStore

This class manages the Windows credentials associated with a particular VM. The credentials are stored in files with the name {username}.data. The name of the file is the username, the contents of the file is the encrypted version of the password. Only the current user will be able to decrypt the password. The password is encrypted/decryped using the ProtectedData class.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-visualstudio

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddCredentialsToInstance ( Instance instance, WindowsInstanceCredentials credentials ) : void

Adds a Windows credential to the store for the given instance.

DeleteCredentialsForInstance ( Instance instance, WindowsInstanceCredentials credentials ) : void

Deletes the given credentials from the list of associated credenials for instance.

GetCredentialsForInstance ( Instance instance ) : IEnumerable

Loads the list of Windows credentials associated with instance.

GetStoragePathForInstance ( Instance instance ) : string

Returns the path where to store credential related information for a GCE VM.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetCredentialsStoreRoot ( ) : string
GetFileName ( WindowsInstanceCredentials credentials ) : string
GetInstancePath ( Instance instance ) : string
GetUserName ( string path ) : string
LoadEncryptedCredentials ( string path ) : WindowsInstanceCredentials
SaveEncryptedCredentials ( string path, WindowsInstanceCredentials credentials ) : void

메소드 상세

AddCredentialsToInstance() 공개 메소드

Adds a Windows credential to the store for the given instance.
public AddCredentialsToInstance ( Instance instance, WindowsInstanceCredentials credentials ) : void
instance Instance The GCE VM.
credentials GoogleCloudExtension.GCloud.WindowsInstanceCredentials The credentials to store.
리턴 void

DeleteCredentialsForInstance() 공개 메소드

Deletes the given credentials from the list of associated credenials for instance.
public DeleteCredentialsForInstance ( Instance instance, WindowsInstanceCredentials credentials ) : void
instance Instance The GCE VM.
credentials GoogleCloudExtension.GCloud.WindowsInstanceCredentials The credentials.
리턴 void

GetCredentialsForInstance() 공개 메소드

Loads the list of Windows credentials associated with instance.
public GetCredentialsForInstance ( Instance instance ) : IEnumerable
instance Instance The GCE VM
리턴 IEnumerable

GetStoragePathForInstance() 공개 메소드

Returns the path where to store credential related information for a GCE VM.
public GetStoragePathForInstance ( Instance instance ) : string
instance Instance The GCE VM.
리턴 string