C# 클래스 GameEngine.Pathfinding.AStar

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: MichaelAquilina/Some-2D-RPG

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GeneratePath ( Vector2 pxStart, Vector2 pxEnd, TeeEngine engine, GameTime gameTime, NodeValidationHandler validator ) : Path

Uses the AStar algorithm to generate a Path from pxStart to pxEnd of valid ANodes to pass through. What is considered to be a valid ANode is determined by the current delegate method assigned to the instance's Validator property. The method will return an empty path if the location is impossible to reach from the specified start location.

메소드 상세

GeneratePath() 공개 메소드

Uses the AStar algorithm to generate a Path from pxStart to pxEnd of valid ANodes to pass through. What is considered to be a valid ANode is determined by the current delegate method assigned to the instance's Validator property. The method will return an empty path if the location is impossible to reach from the specified start location.
public GeneratePath ( Vector2 pxStart, Vector2 pxEnd, TeeEngine engine, GameTime gameTime, NodeValidationHandler validator ) : Path
pxStart Vector2
pxEnd Vector2
engine TeeEngine
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
validator NodeValidationHandler
리턴 Path