C# 클래스 FiftyOne.Foundation.UI.DataProvider

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: 51Degrees/dotNET-Device-Detection

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
CompareDeviceNames int
CompareRelatedDevices bool
FindDevices List
GetDevice Device
GetDeviceFromDeviceID Device
GetDeviceFromModel Device
GetDeviceFromProfileID Device
GetDeviceID string
GetIsPremium bool
GetProperty System.Property
GetRelatedInfo List
GetVendorDevices List

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CompareDeviceNames ( Device x, Device y ) : int
CompareRelatedDevices ( Device x, Device y ) : bool

Determines if the two devices are identical.

FindDevices ( string value ) : List
GetDevice ( string userAgent ) : Device
GetDeviceFromDeviceID ( string deviceID ) : Device
GetDeviceFromModel ( string vendor, string model ) : Device
GetDeviceFromProfileID ( string profileID ) : Device
GetDeviceID ( string userAgent ) : string
GetIsPremium ( System.Property property ) : bool
GetProperty ( string name ) : System.Property
GetRelatedInfo ( Device device ) : List
GetVendorDevices ( Value vendor ) : List

Returns a list of the hardware devices for the vendor requested.