C# Class WFA_psychometric_chart.Form3_WeatherService

Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Form
ファイルを表示 Open project: temcocontrols/T3000_Building_Automation_System Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues List
AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValuesForHumidityOnly List
HumTempList List
adjusted_value int
hardwareValue1 double
hardwareValue2 double
parameterValFromBacnet List

Public Methods

Method Description
AsyncMethod1ForPullingData ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
CheckDeviceOnlineOffline ( int deviceID, int Parent_SerialNum ) : bool


CheckLatLongAvailable ( ) : bool
CheckSettingData ( ) : void
ControllerList ( ) : List

This function return a controller list that is ONLINE only

FillLatLongValueAutomatically ( ) : void
FilterDataForDisplayInList ( ) : void

Filters the temperature value form alex database and form Hardware pulled

FilterDataForDisplayInListForHumidity ( ) : void

Filters the temperature value form alex database and form Hardware pulled

FilterOnlyHumidityFromAlexDBValue ( ) : void
FilterOnlyTemperatureAndHumidityFromAlexDBValue ( ) : void
FindPathOfBuildingDB ( ) : void
Form3_WeatherService ( ) : System
InitTimer ( ) : void
InitTimer2 ( ) : void
InitTimerForDevice ( ) : void
ReadDataFromAlexDatabase ( string TableName ) : void

Read the data from alex db .. This will be loaded when first loaded values

ReadDataFromDevice ( int deviceID, uint panel1ID, uint panel2ID ) : void
ReadDataFromDeviceForHumidity ( int deviceID, uint hum_panID, string param2_identifier_type ) : void
ReadDataFromDeviceForTemperature ( int deviceID, uint temp_panID, string param1_identifier_type ) : void
UpdateSettingIfPresent ( ) : int
adjust_hum_value ( ) : void
enabledClicked ( ) : void
fill_combobox ( ) : void
getDataFromParameter ( int device_instance_id ) : void

This function bull the all the available values for particualar device id

getElevation ( double lat, double lng ) : double
pull_stored_weather_data ( ) : void
self_calibrate ( ) : void
temporary_timer_function ( ) : void

This function stores a timer to watch value constantly

timer1_Tick_For_Device ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
updateSettingData ( string buildingName, int enable, string selectedStName, int indexSelectedBuilding ) : void
update_constantly_function ( ) : void
update_data_constantly ( ) : void
update_now_function ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

Private Methods

Method Description
CB_Device_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
CB_param_hum_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
CB_param_temp_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
Form3_ClosingForm ( object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e ) : void
Form3_Disposed ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
Form3_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
HandleTick ( object sender, System e ) : void
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

btnShowLogFile_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
btn_help_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
btn_pull_offline_data_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
btn_set_value_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
btn_update_now_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button2_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button4_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
button7_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
cb_enable_disable_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

This is the weather serivice pulling part now currently it has setting as well saved when ever the user closes the application and reopens it user can start for the previous settings.

cb_event_on_index_change ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
cb_hum_self_calib_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
get_stored_data ( ) : void
on_select_index_change_event ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
pull_data_online ( string country1, string state1, string city1, string street1, string zip1 ) : void
tb_max_adjust_TextChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
timer1_Tick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

pulling the web values

timer2_Tick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

AsyncMethod1ForPullingData() public method

public AsyncMethod1ForPullingData ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

CheckDeviceOnlineOffline() public method

public CheckDeviceOnlineOffline ( int deviceID, int Parent_SerialNum ) : bool
deviceID int device id value
Parent_SerialNum int 0 always
return bool

CheckLatLongAvailable() public method

public CheckLatLongAvailable ( ) : bool
return bool

CheckSettingData() public method

public CheckSettingData ( ) : void
return void

ControllerList() public method

This function return a controller list that is ONLINE only
public ControllerList ( ) : List
return List

Dispose() protected method

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
return void

FillLatLongValueAutomatically() public method

public FillLatLongValueAutomatically ( ) : void
return void

FilterDataForDisplayInList() public method

Filters the temperature value form alex database and form Hardware pulled
public FilterDataForDisplayInList ( ) : void
return void

FilterDataForDisplayInListForHumidity() public method

Filters the temperature value form alex database and form Hardware pulled
public FilterDataForDisplayInListForHumidity ( ) : void
return void

FilterOnlyHumidityFromAlexDBValue() public method

public FilterOnlyHumidityFromAlexDBValue ( ) : void
return void

FilterOnlyTemperatureAndHumidityFromAlexDBValue() public method

public FilterOnlyTemperatureAndHumidityFromAlexDBValue ( ) : void
return void

FindPathOfBuildingDB() public method

public FindPathOfBuildingDB ( ) : void
return void

Form3_WeatherService() public method

public Form3_WeatherService ( ) : System
return System

InitTimer() public method

public InitTimer ( ) : void
return void

InitTimer2() public method

public InitTimer2 ( ) : void
return void

InitTimerForDevice() public method

public InitTimerForDevice ( ) : void
return void

ReadDataFromAlexDatabase() public method

Read the data from alex db .. This will be loaded when first loaded values
public ReadDataFromAlexDatabase ( string TableName ) : void
TableName string name of the table i.2 inputables
return void

ReadDataFromDevice() public method

public ReadDataFromDevice ( int deviceID, uint panel1ID, uint panel2ID ) : void
deviceID int
panel1ID uint
panel2ID uint
return void

ReadDataFromDeviceForHumidity() public method

public ReadDataFromDeviceForHumidity ( int deviceID, uint hum_panID, string param2_identifier_type ) : void
deviceID int
hum_panID uint
param2_identifier_type string
return void

ReadDataFromDeviceForTemperature() public method

public ReadDataFromDeviceForTemperature ( int deviceID, uint temp_panID, string param1_identifier_type ) : void
deviceID int
temp_panID uint
param1_identifier_type string
return void

UpdateSettingIfPresent() public method

public UpdateSettingIfPresent ( ) : int
return int

adjust_hum_value() public method

public adjust_hum_value ( ) : void
return void

enabledClicked() public method

public enabledClicked ( ) : void
return void

fill_combobox() public method

public fill_combobox ( ) : void
return void

getDataFromParameter() public method

This function bull the all the available values for particualar device id
public getDataFromParameter ( int device_instance_id ) : void
device_instance_id int
return void

getElevation() public method

public getElevation ( double lat, double lng ) : double
lat double
lng double
return double

pull_stored_weather_data() public method

public pull_stored_weather_data ( ) : void
return void

self_calibrate() public method

public self_calibrate ( ) : void
return void

temporary_timer_function() public method

This function stores a timer to watch value constantly
public temporary_timer_function ( ) : void
return void

timer1_Tick_For_Device() public method

public timer1_Tick_For_Device ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.EventArgs
return void

updateSettingData() public method

public updateSettingData ( string buildingName, int enable, string selectedStName, int indexSelectedBuilding ) : void
buildingName string
enable int
selectedStName string
indexSelectedBuilding int
return void

update_constantly_function() public method

public update_constantly_function ( ) : void
return void

update_data_constantly() public method

public update_data_constantly ( ) : void
return void

update_now_function() public method

public update_now_function ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues public_oe property

public List AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues
return List

AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValuesForHumidityOnly public_oe property

Stores the value obtained form hardware and filtered form alex database
public List AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValuesForHumidityOnly
return List

HumTempList public_oe property

public List HumTempList
return List

adjusted_value public_oe property

public int adjusted_value
return int

hardwareValue1 public_oe property

public double hardwareValue1
return double

hardwareValue2 public_oe property

public double hardwareValue2
return double

parameterValFromBacnet public_oe property

public List parameterValFromBacnet
return List