C# Class ThreadedPlatformer.Circle

Represents a 2D circle.
ファイルを表示 Open project: sq/Fracture

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Center Vector2
Radius float

Public Methods

Method Description
Circle ( Vector2 position, float radius ) : System

Constructs a new circle.

Intersects ( Rectangle rectangle ) : bool

Determines if a circle intersects a rectangle.

Method Details

Circle() public method

Constructs a new circle.
public Circle ( Vector2 position, float radius ) : System
position Vector2
radius float
return System

Intersects() public method

Determines if a circle intersects a rectangle.
public Intersects ( Rectangle rectangle ) : bool
rectangle Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle
return bool

Property Details

Center public_oe property

Center position of the circle.
public Vector2 Center
return Vector2

Radius public_oe property

Radius of the circle.
public float Radius
return float