C# Class System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlQueryRuntime

ファイルを表示 Open project: gbarnett/shared-source-cli-2.0 Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
ChangeTypeXsltArgument object
ChangeTypeXsltResult object
CreateXmlType XmlQueryType
EnsureNavigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
GetXmlType XmlQueryType
ParseTagName void
SyncToNavigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
XmlQueryRuntime System

Public Methods

Method Description
AddNewIndex ( XPathNavigator context, int indexId, XmlILIndex index ) : void

Add a newly built index over the specified "context" document to the existing collection of indexes.

ChangeTypeXsltArgument ( int indexType, object value, Type destinationType ) : object

Forward call to ChangeTypeXsltArgument(XmlQueryType, object, Type).

ChangeTypeXsltResult ( int indexType, object value ) : object

Forward call to ChangeTypeXsltResult(XmlQueryType, object)

ComparePosition ( XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat ) : int

Compare the relative positions of two navigators. Return -1 if navThis is before navThat, 1 if after, and 0 if they are positioned to the same node.

CreateCollation ( string collation ) : XmlCollation

Create a collation from a string.

DebugGetGlobalNames ( ) : string[]

Return array containing the names of all the global variables and parameters used in this query, in this format: {namespace}prefix:local-name

DebugGetGlobalValue ( string name ) : IList

Get the value of a global value having the specified name. Always return the global value as a list of XPathItem. Return null if there is no global value having the specified name.

DebugGetXsltValue ( IList seq ) : object

Convert sequence to it's appropriate XSLT type and return to caller.

DebugSetGlobalValue ( string name, object value ) : void

Set the value of a global value having the specified name. If there is no such value, this method is a no-op.

DocOrderDistinct ( IList seq ) : IList

Get a comparer which guarantees a stable ordering among nodes, even those from different documents.

EarlyBoundFunctionExists ( string name, string namespaceUri ) : bool

Return true if the early bound object identified by "namespaceUri" contains a method that matches "name".

EndRtfConstruction ( XmlQueryOutput &output ) : XPathNavigator

End construction of an Rtf and return it as an RtfNavigator. Return previous XmlQueryOutput object.

EndSequenceConstruction ( XmlQueryOutput &output ) : IList

End construction of a nested sequence of items and return the items as an IList internal class. Return previous XmlQueryOutput.

FindIndex ( XPathNavigator context, int indexId, XmlILIndex &index ) : bool

If an index having the specified Id has already been created over the "context" document, then return it in "index" and return true. Otherwise, create a new, empty index and return false.

GenerateId ( XPathNavigator navigator ) : string

Generate a unique string identifier for the specified node. Do this by asking the navigator for an identifier that is unique within the document, and then prepend a document index.

GetAtomizedName ( int index ) : string

Get the atomized name at the specified index in the array of names.

GetCollation ( int index ) : XmlCollation

Get a collation that was statically created.

GetEarlyBoundObject ( int index ) : object

Get the early-bound extension object identified by "index". If it does not yet exist, create an instance using the corresponding ConstructorInfo.

GetGlobalValue ( int index ) : object

Return the value that is bound to the global variable or parameter specified by idxValue. If the value has not yet been computed, then compute it now and store it in this.globalValues.

GetNameFilter ( int index ) : XmlNavigatorFilter

Get the name filter at the specified index in the array of filters.

GetTypeFilter ( XPathNodeType nodeType ) : XmlNavigatorFilter

XPathNodeType.All: Filters all nodes XPathNodeType.Attribute: Filters attributes XPathNodeType.Namespace: Not allowed XPathNodeType.XXX: Filters all nodes *except* those having XPathNodeType.XXX

IsGlobalComputed ( int index ) : bool

Return true if the global value specified by idxValue was previously computed.

IsQNameEqual ( XPathNavigator n1, XPathNavigator n2 ) : bool

Return true if the nav1's LocalName and NamespaceURI properties equal nav2's corresponding properties.

IsQNameEqual ( XPathNavigator navigator, int indexLocalName, int indexNamespaceUri ) : bool

Return true if the specified navigator's LocalName and NamespaceURI properties equal the argument names.

MatchesXmlType ( IList seq, XmlTypeCode code ) : bool

Return true if the type of "seq" is a subtype of a singleton type identified by "code".

MatchesXmlType ( IList seq, int indexType ) : bool

Return true if the type of every item in "seq" matches the xml type identified by "idxType".

MatchesXmlType ( XPathItem item, XmlTypeCode code ) : bool

Return true if the type of "item" is a subtype of the type identified by "code".

MatchesXmlType ( XPathItem item, int indexType ) : bool

Return true if the type of "item" matches the xml type identified by "idxType".

ParseTagName ( string tagName, int indexPrefixMappings ) : XmlQualifiedName

Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar) and resolve the resulting prefix. If the prefix cannot be resolved, then throw an error. Return an XmlQualifiedName.

ParseTagName ( string tagName, string ns ) : XmlQualifiedName

Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar). Return an XmlQualifiedName consisting of the parsed local name and the specified namespace.

SendMessage ( string message ) : void

Report query execution information to event handler.

SetGlobalValue ( int index, object value ) : void

Return the value that is bound to the global variable or parameter specified by idxValue. If the value has not yet been computed, then compute it now and store it in this.globalValues.

StartRtfConstruction ( string baseUri, XmlQueryOutput &output ) : void

Start construction of an Rtf. Return a new XmlQueryOutput object that will be used to construct this Rtf.

StartSequenceConstruction ( XmlQueryOutput &output ) : void

Start construction of a nested sequence of items. Return a new XmlQueryOutput that will be used to construct this new sequence.

TextRtfConstruction ( string text, string baseUri ) : XPathNavigator

Construct a new RtfTextNavigator from the specified "text". This is much more efficient than calling StartNodeConstruction(), StartRtf(), WriteString(), EndRtf(), and EndNodeConstruction().

ThrowException ( string text ) : void

Throw an Xml exception having the specified message text.

Private Methods

Method Description
ChangeTypeXsltArgument ( XmlQueryType xmlType, object value, Type destinationType ) : object

Convert from the Clr type of "value" to Clr type "destinationType" using V1 Xslt rules. These rules include converting any Rtf values to Nodes.

ChangeTypeXsltResult ( XmlQueryType xmlType, object value ) : object

Convert from the Clr type of "value" to the default Clr type that ILGen uses to represent the xml type, using the conversion rules of the xml type.

CreateXmlType ( XPathItem item ) : XmlQueryType

Create an XmlQueryType that represents the type of "item".

EnsureNavigator ( object value ) : XPathNavigator

Ensure that "value" is a navigator and not null.

GetXmlType ( int idxType ) : XmlQueryType

Get the Xml query type at the specified index in the array of types.

ParseTagName ( string tagName, int idxPrefixMappings, string &prefix, string &localName, string &ns ) : void

Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar) and resolve the resulting prefix. If the prefix cannot be resolved, then throw an error. Return the prefix, localName, and namespace URI.

SyncToNavigator ( XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat ) : XPathNavigator

Position navThis to the same location as navThat.

XmlQueryRuntime ( XmlILCommand cmd, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, XmlSequenceWriter seqWrt ) : System

This constructor is internal so that external users cannot construct it (and therefore we do not have to test it separately).

Method Details

AddNewIndex() public method

Add a newly built index over the specified "context" document to the existing collection of indexes.
public AddNewIndex ( XPathNavigator context, int indexId, XmlILIndex index ) : void
context System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
indexId int
index XmlILIndex
return void

ChangeTypeXsltArgument() public method

Forward call to ChangeTypeXsltArgument(XmlQueryType, object, Type).
public ChangeTypeXsltArgument ( int indexType, object value, Type destinationType ) : object
indexType int
value object
destinationType System.Type
return object

ChangeTypeXsltResult() public method

Forward call to ChangeTypeXsltResult(XmlQueryType, object)
public ChangeTypeXsltResult ( int indexType, object value ) : object
indexType int
value object
return object

ComparePosition() public method

Compare the relative positions of two navigators. Return -1 if navThis is before navThat, 1 if after, and 0 if they are positioned to the same node.
public ComparePosition ( XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat ) : int
navigatorThis System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
navigatorThat System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
return int

CreateCollation() public method

Create a collation from a string.
public CreateCollation ( string collation ) : XmlCollation
collation string
return XmlCollation

DebugGetGlobalNames() public method

Return array containing the names of all the global variables and parameters used in this query, in this format: {namespace}prefix:local-name
public DebugGetGlobalNames ( ) : string[]
return string[]

DebugGetGlobalValue() public method

Get the value of a global value having the specified name. Always return the global value as a list of XPathItem. Return null if there is no global value having the specified name.
public DebugGetGlobalValue ( string name ) : IList
name string
return IList

DebugGetXsltValue() public method

Convert sequence to it's appropriate XSLT type and return to caller.
public DebugGetXsltValue ( IList seq ) : object
seq IList
return object

DebugSetGlobalValue() public method

Set the value of a global value having the specified name. If there is no such value, this method is a no-op.
public DebugSetGlobalValue ( string name, object value ) : void
name string
value object
return void

DocOrderDistinct() public method

Get a comparer which guarantees a stable ordering among nodes, even those from different documents.
public DocOrderDistinct ( IList seq ) : IList
seq IList
return IList

EarlyBoundFunctionExists() public method

Return true if the early bound object identified by "namespaceUri" contains a method that matches "name".
public EarlyBoundFunctionExists ( string name, string namespaceUri ) : bool
name string
namespaceUri string
return bool

EndRtfConstruction() public method

End construction of an Rtf and return it as an RtfNavigator. Return previous XmlQueryOutput object.
public EndRtfConstruction ( XmlQueryOutput &output ) : XPathNavigator
output XmlQueryOutput
return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator

EndSequenceConstruction() public method

End construction of a nested sequence of items and return the items as an IList internal class. Return previous XmlQueryOutput.
public EndSequenceConstruction ( XmlQueryOutput &output ) : IList
output XmlQueryOutput
return IList

FindIndex() public method

If an index having the specified Id has already been created over the "context" document, then return it in "index" and return true. Otherwise, create a new, empty index and return false.
public FindIndex ( XPathNavigator context, int indexId, XmlILIndex &index ) : bool
context System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
indexId int
index XmlILIndex
return bool

GenerateId() public method

Generate a unique string identifier for the specified node. Do this by asking the navigator for an identifier that is unique within the document, and then prepend a document index.
public GenerateId ( XPathNavigator navigator ) : string
navigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
return string

GetAtomizedName() public method

Get the atomized name at the specified index in the array of names.
public GetAtomizedName ( int index ) : string
index int
return string

GetCollation() public method

Get a collation that was statically created.
public GetCollation ( int index ) : XmlCollation
index int
return XmlCollation

GetEarlyBoundObject() public method

Get the early-bound extension object identified by "index". If it does not yet exist, create an instance using the corresponding ConstructorInfo.
public GetEarlyBoundObject ( int index ) : object
index int
return object

GetGlobalValue() public method

Return the value that is bound to the global variable or parameter specified by idxValue. If the value has not yet been computed, then compute it now and store it in this.globalValues.
public GetGlobalValue ( int index ) : object
index int
return object

GetNameFilter() public method

Get the name filter at the specified index in the array of filters.
public GetNameFilter ( int index ) : XmlNavigatorFilter
index int
return XmlNavigatorFilter

GetTypeFilter() public method

XPathNodeType.All: Filters all nodes XPathNodeType.Attribute: Filters attributes XPathNodeType.Namespace: Not allowed XPathNodeType.XXX: Filters all nodes *except* those having XPathNodeType.XXX
public GetTypeFilter ( XPathNodeType nodeType ) : XmlNavigatorFilter
nodeType XPathNodeType
return XmlNavigatorFilter

IsGlobalComputed() public method

Return true if the global value specified by idxValue was previously computed.
public IsGlobalComputed ( int index ) : bool
index int
return bool

IsQNameEqual() public method

Return true if the nav1's LocalName and NamespaceURI properties equal nav2's corresponding properties.
public IsQNameEqual ( XPathNavigator n1, XPathNavigator n2 ) : bool
n1 System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
n2 System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
return bool

IsQNameEqual() public method

Return true if the specified navigator's LocalName and NamespaceURI properties equal the argument names.
public IsQNameEqual ( XPathNavigator navigator, int indexLocalName, int indexNamespaceUri ) : bool
navigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
indexLocalName int
indexNamespaceUri int
return bool

MatchesXmlType() public method

Return true if the type of "seq" is a subtype of a singleton type identified by "code".
public MatchesXmlType ( IList seq, XmlTypeCode code ) : bool
seq IList
code XmlTypeCode
return bool

MatchesXmlType() public method

Return true if the type of every item in "seq" matches the xml type identified by "idxType".
public MatchesXmlType ( IList seq, int indexType ) : bool
seq IList
indexType int
return bool

MatchesXmlType() public method

Return true if the type of "item" is a subtype of the type identified by "code".
public MatchesXmlType ( XPathItem item, XmlTypeCode code ) : bool
item System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem
code XmlTypeCode
return bool

MatchesXmlType() public method

Return true if the type of "item" matches the xml type identified by "idxType".
public MatchesXmlType ( XPathItem item, int indexType ) : bool
item System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem
indexType int
return bool

ParseTagName() public method

Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar) and resolve the resulting prefix. If the prefix cannot be resolved, then throw an error. Return an XmlQualifiedName.
public ParseTagName ( string tagName, int indexPrefixMappings ) : XmlQualifiedName
tagName string
indexPrefixMappings int
return System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName

ParseTagName() public method

Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar). Return an XmlQualifiedName consisting of the parsed local name and the specified namespace.
public ParseTagName ( string tagName, string ns ) : XmlQualifiedName
tagName string
ns string
return System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName

SendMessage() public method

Report query execution information to event handler.
public SendMessage ( string message ) : void
message string
return void

SetGlobalValue() public method

Return the value that is bound to the global variable or parameter specified by idxValue. If the value has not yet been computed, then compute it now and store it in this.globalValues.
public SetGlobalValue ( int index, object value ) : void
index int
value object
return void

StartRtfConstruction() public method

Start construction of an Rtf. Return a new XmlQueryOutput object that will be used to construct this Rtf.
public StartRtfConstruction ( string baseUri, XmlQueryOutput &output ) : void
baseUri string
output XmlQueryOutput
return void

StartSequenceConstruction() public method

Start construction of a nested sequence of items. Return a new XmlQueryOutput that will be used to construct this new sequence.
public StartSequenceConstruction ( XmlQueryOutput &output ) : void
output XmlQueryOutput
return void

TextRtfConstruction() public method

Construct a new RtfTextNavigator from the specified "text". This is much more efficient than calling StartNodeConstruction(), StartRtf(), WriteString(), EndRtf(), and EndNodeConstruction().
public TextRtfConstruction ( string text, string baseUri ) : XPathNavigator
text string
baseUri string
return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator

ThrowException() public method

Throw an Xml exception having the specified message text.
public ThrowException ( string text ) : void
text string
return void