C# Class SourceWriter.EditorWindowController

ファイルを表示 Open project: xamarin/mac-samples

Public Methods

Method Description
EditorWindowController ( IntPtr handle ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SourceWriter.EditorWindowController class.

PrepareForSegue ( NSStoryboardSegue segue, NSObject sender ) : void

Prepares a given segue to be executed by initializing any needed information.

SaveDocument ( ) : void

Saves the document being edited in the current window. If the document hasn't been saved before, it presents a Save File Dialog and allows to specify the name and location of the file.

WindowDidLoad ( ) : void

Called when the window is loaded from the Storyboard.

Private Methods

Method Description
IndentText ( NSObject sender ) : void
OutdentText ( NSObject sender ) : void
PrintDocument ( NSObject sender ) : void
ReformatDocument ( NSObject sender ) : void
ReformatDocumentAsCSharp ( NSObject sender ) : void
ReformatDocumentAsHTML ( NSObject sender ) : void
ReformatDocumentAsMarkDown ( NSObject sender ) : void
ReformatDocumentAsXML ( NSObject sender ) : void
RunPageLayout ( NSObject sender ) : void
SaveDocument ( NSObject sender ) : void
SaveDocumentAs ( NSObject sender ) : void
StartAutoComplete ( NSObject sender ) : void
ValidateMenuItem ( NSMenuItem item ) : bool
defineKeyword ( NSObject sender ) : void

Method Details

EditorWindowController() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SourceWriter.EditorWindowController class.
public EditorWindowController ( IntPtr handle ) : System
handle IntPtr Handle.
return System

PrepareForSegue() public method

Prepares a given segue to be executed by initializing any needed information.
public PrepareForSegue ( NSStoryboardSegue segue, NSObject sender ) : void
segue NSStoryboardSegue The segue that is about to be executed.
sender NSObject The controller calling the segue.
return void

SaveDocument() public method

Saves the document being edited in the current window. If the document hasn't been saved before, it presents a Save File Dialog and allows to specify the name and location of the file.
public SaveDocument ( ) : void
return void

WindowDidLoad() public method

Called when the window is loaded from the Storyboard.
public WindowDidLoad ( ) : void
return void