C# Class QUT.Gplex.Automaton.TaskState

A singleton of this type holds the main program state during processing a LEX file when run from the command line. It sets up the parser, scanner, errorHandler and AAST objects and calls Parse() on the parser. When the parser is invoked by Visual Studio, by contrast, there is no task state and Parse is called from the managed babel wrapper.
Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: spark-shading-language/spark Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
BufferCodeFile System.IO.FileStream
CheckOptions void
ClassStatus void
CopyBufferCode void
ElapsedTime string
EmbedBufferCode void
ErrorReport void
FrameFile System.IO.FileStream
FrameReader TextReader
GetNames void
ListDivider void
ListingFile System.IO.StreamWriter
MakeListing void
OpenSource void
OutputFile System.IO.FileStream
OutputWriter System.IO.TextWriter
ParseOption OptionState
Process void
Status void
TaskState System

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
BufferCodeFile ( ) : FileStream
CheckOptions ( ) : void
ClassStatus ( System.DateTime start, int len ) : void
CopyBufferCode ( ) : void
ElapsedTime ( System.DateTime start ) : string
EmbedBufferCode ( TextWriter writer ) : void
ErrorReport ( ) : void
FrameFile ( ) : FileStream
FrameReader ( ) : TextReader
GetNames ( string path ) : void

Set up file paths: called after options are processed

ListDivider ( ) : void
ListingFile ( string outName ) : StreamWriter
MakeListing ( ) : void
OpenSource ( ) : void

This method opens the source file. The file is not disposed in this file. The mainline code (program.cs) can call MakeListing and/or ErrorReport, for which the buffered stream needs to be open so as to interleave error messages with the source.

OutputFile ( ) : FileStream
OutputWriter ( ) : TextWriter
ParseOption ( string option ) : OptionState
Process ( string fileArg ) : void
Status ( System.DateTime start ) : void
TaskState ( ) : System

Method Details

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void