C# Class N2.Edit.Installation.NHInstallationManager

Inheritance: InstallationManager
ファイルを表示 Open project: bherila/n2cms

Public Methods

Method Description
CheckConnection ( string &stackTrace ) : string
CheckDatabase ( ) : string

Method that will checks the database. If something goes wrong an exception is thrown.

CheckRootItem ( ) : string

Checks the root node in the database. Throws an exception if there is something really wrong with it.

CheckStartPage ( ) : string

Checks the root node in the database. Throws an exception if there is something really wrong with it.

DropDatabaseTables ( ) : void
ExecuteQuery ( string query ) : IEnumerable
ExportSchema ( ) : string
ExportSchema ( TextWriter output ) : void
ExportUpgradeSchema ( ) : string
GenerateCommand ( CommandType type, string sqlString ) : IDbCommand
GetConnection ( ) : IDbConnection
GetResourceString ( string resourceKey ) : string
GetStatus ( ) : DatabaseStatus
Install ( ) : void

Executes sql create database scripts.

NHInstallationManager ( IHost host, DefinitionMap map, ContentActivator activator, Importer importer, IPersister persister, ISessionProvider sessionProvider, IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder, IWebContext webContext, ConnectionMonitor connectionContext, DatabaseSection config ) : System
Upgrade ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
ClearNHCache ( ) : void
GetDriver ( ) : IDriver
IsSql ( DatabaseStatus status ) : bool
IsTrashed ( ContentItem item ) : bool

Determines if the given item is in the trash or is the trash can itself. There will be problems if the root node or start page is trashed.

UpdateConnection ( DatabaseStatus status ) : bool
UpdateCount ( DatabaseStatus status ) : bool
UpdateItems ( DatabaseStatus status ) : bool
UpdateRecordedValues ( DatabaseStatus status ) : void
UpdateSchema ( DatabaseStatus status ) : bool
UpdateVersion ( DatabaseStatus status ) : bool

Method Details

CheckConnection() public method

public CheckConnection ( string &stackTrace ) : string
stackTrace string
return string

CheckDatabase() public method

Method that will checks the database. If something goes wrong an exception is thrown.
public CheckDatabase ( ) : string
return string

CheckRootItem() public method

Checks the root node in the database. Throws an exception if there is something really wrong with it.
public CheckRootItem ( ) : string
return string

CheckStartPage() public method

Checks the root node in the database. Throws an exception if there is something really wrong with it.
public CheckStartPage ( ) : string
return string

DropDatabaseTables() public method

public DropDatabaseTables ( ) : void
return void

ExecuteQuery() public method

public ExecuteQuery ( string query ) : IEnumerable
query string
return IEnumerable

ExportSchema() public method

public ExportSchema ( ) : string
return string

ExportSchema() public method

public ExportSchema ( TextWriter output ) : void
output TextWriter
return void

ExportUpgradeSchema() public method

public ExportUpgradeSchema ( ) : string
return string

GenerateCommand() public method

public GenerateCommand ( CommandType type, string sqlString ) : IDbCommand
type CommandType
sqlString string
return IDbCommand

GetConnection() public method

public GetConnection ( ) : IDbConnection
return IDbConnection

GetResourceString() public static method

public static GetResourceString ( string resourceKey ) : string
resourceKey string
return string

GetStatus() public method

public GetStatus ( ) : DatabaseStatus
return DatabaseStatus

Install() public method

Executes sql create database scripts.
public Install ( ) : void
return void

NHInstallationManager() public method

public NHInstallationManager ( IHost host, DefinitionMap map, ContentActivator activator, Importer importer, IPersister persister, ISessionProvider sessionProvider, IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder, IWebContext webContext, ConnectionMonitor connectionContext, DatabaseSection config ) : System
host IHost
map DefinitionMap
activator ContentActivator
importer Importer
persister IPersister
sessionProvider ISessionProvider
configurationBuilder IConfigurationBuilder
webContext IWebContext
connectionContext ConnectionMonitor
config DatabaseSection
return System

Upgrade() public method

public Upgrade ( ) : void
return void