C# Class MS.Internal.Xml.Cache.XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator

Iterate over all element descendants with a particular QName.
Inheritance: XPathDocumentBaseIterator
ファイルを表示 Open project: gbarnett/shared-source-cli-2.0 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : XPathNodeIterator

Create a copy of this iterator.

MoveNext ( ) : bool

Position the iterator to the next descendant.

XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator ( XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator iter ) : System

Create a new iterator that is a copy of "iter".

XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator ( XPathDocumentNavigator root, string name, string namespaceURI, bool matchSelf ) : System

Create an iterator that ranges over all element descendants of "root" having the specified QName.

Method Details

Clone() public method

Create a copy of this iterator.
public Clone ( ) : XPathNodeIterator
return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator

MoveNext() public method

Position the iterator to the next descendant.
public MoveNext ( ) : bool
return bool

XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator() public method

Create a new iterator that is a copy of "iter".
public XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator ( XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator iter ) : System
iter XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator
return System

XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator() public method

Create an iterator that ranges over all element descendants of "root" having the specified QName.
public XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator ( XPathDocumentNavigator root, string name, string namespaceURI, bool matchSelf ) : System
root XPathDocumentNavigator
name string
namespaceURI string
matchSelf bool
return System