C# Class HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_MaterialFactory

Manages materials used by Houdini Engine assets.
ファイルを表示 Open project: sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnity Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
_defaultStandardMaterial Material

Public Methods

Method Description
CopyMaterial ( Material material ) : Material
CreateHoudiniMaterialData ( HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId assetID, HAPI_NodeId materialID, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
CreateMaterialInCache ( int materialKey, string materialName, HEU_MaterialSourceWrapper sourceType, bool bWriteToFile, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
CreateNewHoudiniStandardMaterial ( string assetCacheFolderPath, string materialName, bool bWriteToFile ) : Material
CreateUnitySubstanceMaterialData ( int materialKey, string materialPath, string substanceName, int substanceIndex, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
DeleteAssetMaterial ( Material material ) : void
DestroyNonAssetMaterial ( Material material, bool bRegisterUndo ) : void
DoesMaterialExistInAssetCache ( Material material ) : bool
EnableGPUInstancing ( Material material ) : void
ExtractHoudiniImageToTextureFile ( HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase session, HoudiniEngineUnity.HAPI_MaterialInfo materialInfo, string imagePlanes, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : Texture2D
FindPluginShader ( string shaderName ) : Shader
FindShader ( string shaderName ) : Shader
GenerateDefaultMaterialName ( HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID ) : string
GetDefaultStandardMaterial ( ) : Material
GetMaterialDataFromCache ( int materialKey, List materialCache ) : HEU_MaterialData
GetMaterialDataMapFromCache ( List materialCache ) : HEU_MaterialData>.Dictionary
GetNewMaterialWithShader ( string assetCacheFolderPath, string shaderName, string materialName = "", bool bWriteToFile = true ) : Material
GetOrCreateDefaultMaterialInCache ( HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, bool bWriteToFile, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
GetUnitySubstanceMaterialKey ( string unityMaterialPath, string substanceName, int substanceIndex ) : int
LoadSubstanceMaterialWithIndex ( string materialPath, int substanceMaterialIndex ) : Material
LoadSubstanceMaterialWithName ( string materialPath, string substanceName ) : Material
LoadTexture ( string path ) : Texture2D

Loads texture at path which should be under a Resources/ folder.

LoadUnityMaterial ( string materialPath ) : Material
MaterialHasGPUInstancingEnabled ( Material material ) : bool
MaterialNameToKey ( string materialName ) : int
RenderAndExtractImageToTexture ( HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_MaterialInfo materialInfo, HAPI_ParmId textureParmID, string textureName, string assetCacheFolderPath, bool isNormalMap, bool invertTexture = false ) : Texture2D
WhiteTexture ( ) : Texture2D
WriteMaterialToAssetCache ( Material material, string assetCacheFolderPath, string materialName, bool bOverwriteExisting ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateMaterialInCache ( int materialKey, string materialName, HEU_MaterialData.Source sourceType, bool bWriteToFile, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
ExtractHoudiniImageToTexturePNGJPEG ( HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase session, HoudiniEngineUnity.HAPI_MaterialInfo materialInfo, string imagePlanes ) : Texture2D
ExtractHoudiniImageToTextureRaw ( HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase session, HoudiniEngineUnity.HAPI_MaterialInfo materialInfo, string imagePlanes ) : Texture2D

Method Details

CopyMaterial() public static method

public static CopyMaterial ( Material material ) : Material
material Material
return Material

CreateHoudiniMaterialData() public static method

public static CreateHoudiniMaterialData ( HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId assetID, HAPI_NodeId materialID, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
session HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase
assetID HAPI_NodeId
materialID HAPI_NodeId
geoID HAPI_NodeId
partID HAPI_PartId
materialCache List
assetCacheFolderPath string
return HEU_MaterialData

CreateMaterialInCache() public static method

public static CreateMaterialInCache ( int materialKey, string materialName, HEU_MaterialSourceWrapper sourceType, bool bWriteToFile, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
materialKey int
materialName string
sourceType HEU_MaterialSourceWrapper
bWriteToFile bool
materialCache List
assetCacheFolderPath string
return HEU_MaterialData

CreateNewHoudiniStandardMaterial() public static method

public static CreateNewHoudiniStandardMaterial ( string assetCacheFolderPath, string materialName, bool bWriteToFile ) : Material
assetCacheFolderPath string
materialName string
bWriteToFile bool
return Material

CreateUnitySubstanceMaterialData() public static method

public static CreateUnitySubstanceMaterialData ( int materialKey, string materialPath, string substanceName, int substanceIndex, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
materialKey int
materialPath string
substanceName string
substanceIndex int
materialCache List
assetCacheFolderPath string
return HEU_MaterialData

DeleteAssetMaterial() public static method

public static DeleteAssetMaterial ( Material material ) : void
material Material
return void

DestroyNonAssetMaterial() public static method

public static DestroyNonAssetMaterial ( Material material, bool bRegisterUndo ) : void
material Material
bRegisterUndo bool
return void

DoesMaterialExistInAssetCache() public static method

public static DoesMaterialExistInAssetCache ( Material material ) : bool
material Material
return bool

EnableGPUInstancing() public static method

public static EnableGPUInstancing ( Material material ) : void
material Material
return void

ExtractHoudiniImageToTextureFile() public static method

public static ExtractHoudiniImageToTextureFile ( HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase session, HoudiniEngineUnity.HAPI_MaterialInfo materialInfo, string imagePlanes, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : Texture2D
session HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase
materialInfo HoudiniEngineUnity.HAPI_MaterialInfo
imagePlanes string
assetCacheFolderPath string
return Texture2D

FindPluginShader() public static method

public static FindPluginShader ( string shaderName ) : Shader
shaderName string
return Shader

FindShader() public static method

public static FindShader ( string shaderName ) : Shader
shaderName string
return Shader

GenerateDefaultMaterialName() public static method

public static GenerateDefaultMaterialName ( HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID ) : string
geoID HAPI_NodeId
partID HAPI_PartId
return string

GetDefaultStandardMaterial() public static method

public static GetDefaultStandardMaterial ( ) : Material
return Material

GetMaterialDataFromCache() public static method

public static GetMaterialDataFromCache ( int materialKey, List materialCache ) : HEU_MaterialData
materialKey int
materialCache List
return HEU_MaterialData

GetMaterialDataMapFromCache() public static method

public static GetMaterialDataMapFromCache ( List materialCache ) : HEU_MaterialData>.Dictionary
materialCache List
return HEU_MaterialData>.Dictionary

GetNewMaterialWithShader() public static method

public static GetNewMaterialWithShader ( string assetCacheFolderPath, string shaderName, string materialName = "", bool bWriteToFile = true ) : Material
assetCacheFolderPath string
shaderName string
materialName string
bWriteToFile bool
return Material

GetOrCreateDefaultMaterialInCache() public static method

public static GetOrCreateDefaultMaterialInCache ( HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, bool bWriteToFile, List materialCache, string assetCacheFolderPath ) : HEU_MaterialData
session HEU_SessionBase
geoID HAPI_NodeId
partID HAPI_PartId
bWriteToFile bool
materialCache List
assetCacheFolderPath string
return HEU_MaterialData

GetUnitySubstanceMaterialKey() public static method

public static GetUnitySubstanceMaterialKey ( string unityMaterialPath, string substanceName, int substanceIndex ) : int
unityMaterialPath string
substanceName string
substanceIndex int
return int

LoadSubstanceMaterialWithIndex() public static method

public static LoadSubstanceMaterialWithIndex ( string materialPath, int substanceMaterialIndex ) : Material
materialPath string
substanceMaterialIndex int
return Material

LoadSubstanceMaterialWithName() public static method

public static LoadSubstanceMaterialWithName ( string materialPath, string substanceName ) : Material
materialPath string
substanceName string
return Material

LoadTexture() public static method

Loads texture at path which should be under a Resources/ folder.
public static LoadTexture ( string path ) : Texture2D
path string Path to texture, must be relative to a Resources/ folder.
return Texture2D

LoadUnityMaterial() public static method

public static LoadUnityMaterial ( string materialPath ) : Material
materialPath string
return Material

MaterialHasGPUInstancingEnabled() public static method

public static MaterialHasGPUInstancingEnabled ( Material material ) : bool
material Material
return bool

MaterialNameToKey() public static method

public static MaterialNameToKey ( string materialName ) : int
materialName string
return int

RenderAndExtractImageToTexture() public static method

public static RenderAndExtractImageToTexture ( HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_MaterialInfo materialInfo, HAPI_ParmId textureParmID, string textureName, string assetCacheFolderPath, bool isNormalMap, bool invertTexture = false ) : Texture2D
session HEU_SessionBase
materialInfo HAPI_MaterialInfo
textureParmID HAPI_ParmId
textureName string
assetCacheFolderPath string
isNormalMap bool
invertTexture bool
return Texture2D

WhiteTexture() public static method

public static WhiteTexture ( ) : Texture2D
return Texture2D

WriteMaterialToAssetCache() public static method

public static WriteMaterialToAssetCache ( Material material, string assetCacheFolderPath, string materialName, bool bOverwriteExisting ) : void
material Material
assetCacheFolderPath string
materialName string
bOverwriteExisting bool
return void

Property Details

_defaultStandardMaterial public_oe static_oe property

public static Material _defaultStandardMaterial
return Material