C# Class Helios.Topology.NodeExtensions

Extension methods to make it easier to work with INode implementations
ファイルを表示 Open project: helios-io/helios

Public Methods

Method Description
IsEmpty ( this node ) : bool
ToNode ( this uri ) : INode
ToNode ( this endPoint, TransportType transportType ) : INode
ToUri ( this node ) : Uri

Method Details

IsEmpty() public static method

public static IsEmpty ( this node ) : bool
node this
return bool

ToNode() public static method

public static ToNode ( this uri ) : INode
uri this
return INode

ToNode() public static method

public static ToNode ( this endPoint, TransportType transportType ) : INode
endPoint this
transportType TransportType
return INode

ToUri() public static method

public static ToUri ( this node ) : Uri
node this
return System.Uri