C# Class GoogleCloudExtension.OAuth.OAuthManager

This is a rather small class that takes care of the OAUTH 2.0 protocol to get at the refresh token for a user.
ファイルを表示 Open project: GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-visualstudio

Public Methods

Method Description
EndOAuthFlow ( OAuthCredentials credentials, string redirectUrl, string accessCode ) : Task

Returns the refresh code given the credentials and the accessCode.

GetInitialOAuthUrl ( OAuthCredentials credentials, string redirectUrl, IEnumerable scopes ) : string

Returns the URL to use to start the OAUTH login flow.

Private Methods

Method Description
ToQueryString ( string>.IDictionary form ) : string

Method Details

EndOAuthFlow() public static method

Returns the refresh code given the credentials and the accessCode.
public static EndOAuthFlow ( OAuthCredentials credentials, string redirectUrl, string accessCode ) : Task
credentials OAuthCredentials The oauth credentials.
redirectUrl string
accessCode string The access code returned from the login flow.
return Task

GetInitialOAuthUrl() public static method

Returns the URL to use to start the OAUTH login flow.
public static GetInitialOAuthUrl ( OAuthCredentials credentials, string redirectUrl, IEnumerable scopes ) : string
credentials OAuthCredentials
redirectUrl string
scopes IEnumerable
return string