C# Class GitSharp.Core.Merge.MergeStrategy

A method of combining two or more trees together to form an output tree. Different strategies may employ different techniques for deciding which paths (and ObjectIds) to carry from the input trees into the final output tree.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Ours MergeStrategy
SimpleTwoWayInCore ThreeWayMergeStrategy
Theirs MergeStrategy

Public Methods

Method Description
Get ( string name ) : MergeStrategy

Locate a strategy by name.

Get ( ) : GitSharp.Core.Merge.MergeStrategy[]

Get all registered strategies.

NewMerger ( Repository db ) : Merger

Create a new merge instance.

Register ( MergeStrategy imp ) : void

Register a merge strategy so it can later be obtained by name.

Register ( string name, MergeStrategy imp ) : void

Register a merge strategy so it can later be obtained by name.

Private Methods

Method Description
MergeStrategy ( ) : System

Method Details

Get() public static method

Locate a strategy by name.
public static Get ( string name ) : MergeStrategy
name string name of the strategy to locate.
return MergeStrategy

Get() public static method

Get all registered strategies.
public static Get ( ) : GitSharp.Core.Merge.MergeStrategy[]
return GitSharp.Core.Merge.MergeStrategy[]

NewMerger() public abstract method

Create a new merge instance.
public abstract NewMerger ( Repository db ) : Merger
db Repository /// repository database the merger will read from, and eventually /// write results back to. ///
return Merger

Register() public static method

Register a merge strategy so it can later be obtained by name.
/// a strategy by the same name has already been registered. ///
public static Register ( MergeStrategy imp ) : void
imp MergeStrategy the strategy to register.
return void

Register() public static method

Register a merge strategy so it can later be obtained by name.
/// a strategy by the same name has already been registered. ///
public static Register ( string name, MergeStrategy imp ) : void
name string /// name the strategy can be looked up under.
imp MergeStrategy the strategy to register.
return void

Property Details

Ours public_oe static_oe property

Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the first input tree.
public static MergeStrategy,GitSharp.Core.Merge Ours
return MergeStrategy

SimpleTwoWayInCore public_oe static_oe property

Simple strategy to merge paths, without simultaneous edits.
public static ThreeWayMergeStrategy,GitSharp.Core.Merge SimpleTwoWayInCore
return ThreeWayMergeStrategy

Theirs public_oe static_oe property

Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the second input tree.
public static MergeStrategy,GitSharp.Core.Merge Theirs
return MergeStrategy