C# Class FFImageLoading.TaskParameterExtensions

ファイルを表示 Open project: daniel-luberda/FFImageLoading

Public Methods

Method Description
DownloadOnly ( this parameters ) : IImageLoaderTask

Downloads the image request into disk cache for future use if not already exists. Only Url Source supported.

DownloadOnlyAsync ( this parameters ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Downloads the image request into disk cache for future use if not already exists. Only Url Source supported. IMPORTANT: It throws image loading exceptions - you should handle them

InvalidateAsync ( this parameters, CacheType cacheType ) : Task

Invalidate the image corresponding to given parameters from given caches.

Preload ( this parameters ) : IImageLoaderTask

Preloads the image request into memory cache/disk cache for future use.

PreloadAsync ( this parameters ) : Task

Preloads the image request into memory cache/disk cache for future use. IMPORTANT: It throws image loading exceptions - you should handle them

Method Details

DownloadOnly() public static method

Downloads the image request into disk cache for future use if not already exists. Only Url Source supported.
public static DownloadOnly ( this parameters ) : IImageLoaderTask
parameters this Image parameters.
return IImageLoaderTask

DownloadOnlyAsync() public static method

Downloads the image request into disk cache for future use if not already exists. Only Url Source supported. IMPORTANT: It throws image loading exceptions - you should handle them
public static DownloadOnlyAsync ( this parameters ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
parameters this Image parameters.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

InvalidateAsync() public static method

Invalidate the image corresponding to given parameters from given caches.
public static InvalidateAsync ( this parameters, CacheType cacheType ) : Task
parameters this Image parameters.
cacheType CacheType Cache type.
return Task

Preload() public static method

Preloads the image request into memory cache/disk cache for future use.
public static Preload ( this parameters ) : IImageLoaderTask
parameters this Image parameters.
return IImageLoaderTask

PreloadAsync() public static method

Preloads the image request into memory cache/disk cache for future use. IMPORTANT: It throws image loading exceptions - you should handle them
public static PreloadAsync ( this parameters ) : Task
parameters this Image parameters.
return Task