C# Class Encog.Neural.ART.ART1

Inheritance: BasicART, IMLResettable, IMLClassification
ファイルを表示 Open project: encog/encog-silverlight-core Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
ComputeF1 void
ComputeF2 void
GetOutput void

Public Methods

Method Description
ART1 ( ) : System

Default constructor, used mainly for persistence.

ART1 ( int theF1Count, int theF2Count ) : System

Construct the ART1 network.

AdjustWeights ( ) : void

Adjust the weights for the pattern just presented.

Classify ( IMLData input ) : int

Classify the input data to a class number.

Compute ( IMLData input ) : IMLData

Compute the output for the BasicNetwork class.

Compute ( BiPolarMLData input, BiPolarMLData output ) : void

Compute the output from the ART1 network. This can be called directly or used by the BasicNetwork class. Both input and output should be bipolar numbers.

Magnitude ( BiPolarMLData input ) : double

Get the magnitude of the specified input.

Reset ( ) : void

Reset the weight matrix back to starting values.

Reset ( int seed ) : void

Reset with a specic seed.

Private Methods

Method Description
ComputeF1 ( BiPolarMLData input ) : void

Compute the output from the F1 layer.

ComputeF2 ( ) : void

Compute the output from the F2 layer.

GetOutput ( BiPolarMLData output ) : void

Copy the output from the network to another object.

Method Details

ART1() public method

Default constructor, used mainly for persistence.
public ART1 ( ) : System
return System

ART1() public method

Construct the ART1 network.
public ART1 ( int theF1Count, int theF2Count ) : System
theF1Count int The neuron count for the f1 layer.
theF2Count int The neuron count for the f2 layer.
return System

AdjustWeights() public method

Adjust the weights for the pattern just presented.
public AdjustWeights ( ) : void
return void

Classify() public method

Classify the input data to a class number.
public Classify ( IMLData input ) : int
input IMLData The input data.
return int

Compute() public method

Compute the output for the BasicNetwork class.
public Compute ( IMLData input ) : IMLData
input IMLData The input to the network.
return IMLData

Compute() public method

Compute the output from the ART1 network. This can be called directly or used by the BasicNetwork class. Both input and output should be bipolar numbers.
public Compute ( BiPolarMLData input, BiPolarMLData output ) : void
input Encog.ML.Data.Specific.BiPolarMLData The input to the network.
output Encog.ML.Data.Specific.BiPolarMLData The output from the network.
return void

Magnitude() public method

Get the magnitude of the specified input.
public Magnitude ( BiPolarMLData input ) : double
input Encog.ML.Data.Specific.BiPolarMLData The input to calculate the magnitude for.
return double

Reset() public method

Reset the weight matrix back to starting values.
public Reset ( ) : void
return void

Reset() public method

Reset with a specic seed.
public Reset ( int seed ) : void
seed int The seed to reset with.
return void