C# Class EasyFarm.States.RestState

Behavior for resting our character.
Inheritance: BaseState
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Public Methods

Method Description
Check ( ) : bool

Determines if we should rest up our health or magic.

Exit ( ) : void

Force the player to stand up before attempting anything else.

IsHealthHigh ( int health ) : bool

Given a value, is our health high?

IsHealthLow ( int health ) : bool

Given a value, is our health low?

IsMagicHigh ( int magic ) : bool

Given a value, is our mp high?

IsMagicLow ( int magic ) : bool

Given a value, is our mp low?

RestState ( IMemoryAPI fface ) : System.Collections.Generic
Run ( ) : void

Begin resting our health and magic.

ShouldRestForHealth ( int health, Status status ) : bool

Should we rest up our magic?

ShouldRestForMagic ( int magic, Status status ) : bool

Tells us when we should rest mp.

Method Details

Check() public method

Determines if we should rest up our health or magic.
public Check ( ) : bool
return bool

Exit() public method

Force the player to stand up before attempting anything else.
public Exit ( ) : void
return void

IsHealthHigh() public method

Given a value, is our health high?
public IsHealthHigh ( int health ) : bool
health int
return bool

IsHealthLow() public method

Given a value, is our health low?
public IsHealthLow ( int health ) : bool
health int
return bool

IsMagicHigh() public method

Given a value, is our mp high?
public IsMagicHigh ( int magic ) : bool
magic int
return bool

IsMagicLow() public method

Given a value, is our mp low?
public IsMagicLow ( int magic ) : bool
magic int
return bool

RestState() public method

public RestState ( IMemoryAPI fface ) : System.Collections.Generic
fface IMemoryAPI
return System.Collections.Generic

Run() public method

Begin resting our health and magic.
public Run ( ) : void
return void

ShouldRestForHealth() public method

Should we rest up our magic?
public ShouldRestForHealth ( int health, Status status ) : bool
health int
status Status
return bool

ShouldRestForMagic() public method

Tells us when we should rest mp.
public ShouldRestForMagic ( int magic, Status status ) : bool
magic int
status Status
return bool