C# Class Amazon.MachineLearning.Model.GetBatchPredictionResponse

Represents the output of a GetBatchPrediction operation and describes a BatchPrediction.
Inheritance: Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse
ファイルを表示 Open project: aws/aws-sdk-net Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetBatchPredictionDataSourceId ( ) : bool
IsSetBatchPredictionId ( ) : bool
IsSetComputeTime ( ) : bool
IsSetCreatedAt ( ) : bool
IsSetCreatedByIamUser ( ) : bool
IsSetFinishedAt ( ) : bool
IsSetInputDataLocationS3 ( ) : bool
IsSetInvalidRecordCount ( ) : bool
IsSetLastUpdatedAt ( ) : bool
IsSetLogUri ( ) : bool
IsSetMLModelId ( ) : bool
IsSetMessage ( ) : bool
IsSetName ( ) : bool
IsSetOutputUri ( ) : bool
IsSetStartedAt ( ) : bool
IsSetStatus ( ) : bool
IsSetTotalRecordCount ( ) : bool