C# Class BattleControllerScript, Spare-Change

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
ファイルを表示 Open project: ThatsAMorais/Spare-Change Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
damageTextColor Color
hitTextColor Color
missTextColor Color

Public Methods

Method Description
AccrueRewards ( float change, float exp, int kills ) : void
Awake ( ) : void
BattleActorActed ( ) : void

Players the acted.

BattleOver ( bool bPlayerIsWinner ) : void
BattleOverTest ( bool bPlayerIsWinner ) : void
CreateEnemies ( int>.Dictionary enemyTypes ) : void
DiceRolled ( GameObject die, int rollValue ) : void

Dices the rolled.

DoBattleModText ( int value, Vector2 v, Color color ) : void
DoEnemyTurn ( ) : void

Dos the enemy turn.

FinishTurn ( ) : void

Finishs the turn.

GenerateBattle ( int numberOfEnemies = 2 ) : void
InitializeQueue ( ) : void
OnEnable ( ) : void
PlayerIsAtBossFight ( Player player ) : bool
SelectedAction ( GameControllerScript.BattleAction action ) : void

Selecteds the action.

SelectedEnemy ( BattleActor actor ) : void

Selecteds the enemy.

StartBattle ( ) : void

Starts the battle.

StartTimerForThrowDamageRoll ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
getBattleEnemies ( ) : List
getBattleQueue ( ) : Queue
getBattleRoundState ( ) : BattleRound.State
getCurrentTurn ( ) : BattleRound
getCurrentTurnActor ( ) : BattleActor
setBattleRoundState ( BattleRound state ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CalculateTurn ( ) : void

Calculates the turn.

NextTurn ( ) : void
Utilities ( ) : UtilitiesScript
switchToNextTurnInQueue ( ) : void

Method Details

AccrueRewards() public method

public AccrueRewards ( float change, float exp, int kills ) : void
change float
exp float
kills int
return void

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void

BattleActorActed() public method

Players the acted.
public BattleActorActed ( ) : void
return void

BattleOver() public method

public BattleOver ( bool bPlayerIsWinner ) : void
bPlayerIsWinner bool
return void

BattleOverTest() public method

public BattleOverTest ( bool bPlayerIsWinner ) : void
bPlayerIsWinner bool
return void

CreateEnemies() public method

public CreateEnemies ( int>.Dictionary enemyTypes ) : void
enemyTypes int>.Dictionary
return void

DiceRolled() public method

Dices the rolled.
public DiceRolled ( GameObject die, int rollValue ) : void
die GameObject /// Die. ///
rollValue int /// Roll value. ///
return void

DoBattleModText() public method

public DoBattleModText ( int value, Vector2 v, Color color ) : void
value int
v Vector2
color Color
return void

DoEnemyTurn() public method

Dos the enemy turn.
public DoEnemyTurn ( ) : void
return void

FinishTurn() public method

Finishs the turn.
public FinishTurn ( ) : void
return void

GenerateBattle() public method

public GenerateBattle ( int numberOfEnemies = 2 ) : void
numberOfEnemies int
return void

InitializeQueue() public method

public InitializeQueue ( ) : void
return void

OnEnable() public method

public OnEnable ( ) : void
return void

PlayerIsAtBossFight() public method

public PlayerIsAtBossFight ( Player player ) : bool
player Player
return bool

SelectedAction() public method

Selecteds the action.
public SelectedAction ( GameControllerScript.BattleAction action ) : void
action GameControllerScript.BattleAction
return void

SelectedEnemy() public method

Selecteds the enemy.
public SelectedEnemy ( BattleActor actor ) : void
actor BattleActor /// Actor. ///
return void

StartBattle() public method

Starts the battle.
public StartBattle ( ) : void
return void

StartTimerForThrowDamageRoll() public method

public StartTimerForThrowDamageRoll ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

getBattleEnemies() public method

public getBattleEnemies ( ) : List
return List

getBattleQueue() public method

public getBattleQueue ( ) : Queue
return Queue

getBattleRoundState() public method

public getBattleRoundState ( ) : BattleRound.State
return BattleRound.State

getCurrentTurn() public method

public getCurrentTurn ( ) : BattleRound
return BattleRound

getCurrentTurnActor() public method

public getCurrentTurnActor ( ) : BattleActor
return BattleActor

setBattleRoundState() public method

public setBattleRoundState ( BattleRound state ) : void
state BattleRound
return void

Property Details

damageTextColor public_oe property

public Color damageTextColor
return Color

hitTextColor public_oe property

public Color hitTextColor
return Color

missTextColor public_oe property

public Color missTextColor
return Color