C# Class gov.va.medora.mdo.api.PatientApi

Mostra file Open project: OSEHRA/mdo Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
PatientApi ( ) : System
addHomeDate ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, Patient patient ) : void
getConfidentiality ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
getConfidentiality ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn ) : string>.KeyValuePair
getLocalPid ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, string mpiPID ) : string
getLocalPids ( ConnectionSet cxns, string mpiPID ) : IndexedHashtable
getMOSReport ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, Patient patient ) : TextReport
getOefOif ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
getOefOif ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn ) : OEF_OIF[]
getPatientAssociates ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
getPatientAssociates ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : PatientAssociate[]
getPatientSelectionData ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
getPatientTypes ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
getPatientTypes ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : StringDictionary
getPatientsByClinic ( AbstractConnection cxn, string clinicId ) : Patient[]
getPatientsByClinic ( AbstractConnection cxn, string clinicId, string fromDate, string toDate ) : Patient[]
getPatientsByProvider ( AbstractConnection cxn, string duz ) : Patient[]
getPatientsBySpecialty ( AbstractConnection cxn, string specialtyId ) : Patient[]
getPatientsByTeam ( AbstractConnection cxn, string teamId ) : Patient[]
getPatientsByWard ( AbstractConnection cxn, string wardId ) : Patient[]
getRatedDisabiliities ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
getRatedDisabiliities ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : RatedDisability[]
getRatedDisabiliities ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : RatedDisability[]
getRemoteSiteIds ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : StringDictionary
getRemoteSites ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : Site[]
getTreatingFacilityIds ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : string>.Dictionary

Get patient identifiers from the treating facility file at a single Vista (typically the base connection)

isTestPatient ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
isTestPatient ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : bool
issueConfidentialityBulletin ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
issueConfidentialityBulletin ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : string
match ( ConnectionSet cxns, string target ) : IndexedHashtable
match ( AbstractConnection cxn, string target ) : Patient[]
matchByNameCityState ( ConnectionSet cxns, string name, string city, string state ) : IndexedHashtable
matchByNameCityState ( AbstractConnection cxn, string name, string city, string state ) : Patient[]
mpiMatch ( DataSource src, string ssn ) : Patient[]
nptLookup ( Patient patient ) : Patient[]

Match on Patient.Name, Patient.DOB, and Patient.SSN

nptMatch ( string ssn ) : Patient[]
patientInquiry ( ConnectionSet cxns, string pid ) : IndexedHashtable
patientInquiry ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : string
select ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
select ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : Patient
setLocalPids ( ConnectionSet cxns, string mpiPid ) : IndexedHashtable

Method Details

PatientApi() public method

public PatientApi ( ) : System
return System

addHomeDate() public method

public addHomeDate ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, Patient patient ) : void
cxn gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection
patient Patient
return void

getConfidentiality() public method

public getConfidentiality ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

getConfidentiality() public method

public getConfidentiality ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn ) : string>.KeyValuePair
cxn gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection
return string>.KeyValuePair

getLocalPid() public method

public getLocalPid ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, string mpiPID ) : string
cxn gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection
mpiPID string
return string

getLocalPids() public method

public getLocalPids ( ConnectionSet cxns, string mpiPID ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.ConnectionSet
mpiPID string
return IndexedHashtable

getMOSReport() public method

public getMOSReport ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, Patient patient ) : TextReport
cxn gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection
patient Patient
return TextReport

getOefOif() public method

public getOefOif ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

getOefOif() public method

public getOefOif ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn ) : OEF_OIF[]
cxn gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection
return OEF_OIF[]

getPatientAssociates() public method

public getPatientAssociates ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

getPatientAssociates() public method

public getPatientAssociates ( gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : PatientAssociate[]
cxn gov.va.medora.mdo.dao.AbstractConnection
pid string
return PatientAssociate[]

getPatientSelectionData() public method

public getPatientSelectionData ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

getPatientTypes() public method

public getPatientTypes ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

getPatientTypes() public method

public getPatientTypes ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : StringDictionary
cxn AbstractConnection
return StringDictionary

getPatientsByClinic() public method

public getPatientsByClinic ( AbstractConnection cxn, string clinicId ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
clinicId string
return Patient[]

getPatientsByClinic() public method

public getPatientsByClinic ( AbstractConnection cxn, string clinicId, string fromDate, string toDate ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
clinicId string
fromDate string
toDate string
return Patient[]

getPatientsByProvider() public method

public getPatientsByProvider ( AbstractConnection cxn, string duz ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
duz string
return Patient[]

getPatientsBySpecialty() public method

public getPatientsBySpecialty ( AbstractConnection cxn, string specialtyId ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
specialtyId string
return Patient[]

getPatientsByTeam() public method

public getPatientsByTeam ( AbstractConnection cxn, string teamId ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
teamId string
return Patient[]

getPatientsByWard() public method

public getPatientsByWard ( AbstractConnection cxn, string wardId ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
wardId string
return Patient[]

getRatedDisabiliities() public method

public getRatedDisabiliities ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

getRatedDisabiliities() public method

public getRatedDisabiliities ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : RatedDisability[]
cxn AbstractConnection
return RatedDisability[]

getRatedDisabiliities() public method

public getRatedDisabiliities ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : RatedDisability[]
cxn AbstractConnection
pid string
return RatedDisability[]

getRemoteSiteIds() public method

public getRemoteSiteIds ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : StringDictionary
cxn AbstractConnection
pid string
return StringDictionary

getRemoteSites() public method

public getRemoteSites ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : Site[]
cxn AbstractConnection
pid string
return Site[]

getTreatingFacilityIds() public method

Get patient identifiers from the treating facility file at a single Vista (typically the base connection)
public getTreatingFacilityIds ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : string>.Dictionary
cxn AbstractConnection Typically a VistaConnection
pid string Patient ID - typically a DFN
return string>.Dictionary

isTestPatient() public method

public isTestPatient ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

isTestPatient() public method

public isTestPatient ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : bool
cxn AbstractConnection
return bool

issueConfidentialityBulletin() public method

public issueConfidentialityBulletin ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

issueConfidentialityBulletin() public method

public issueConfidentialityBulletin ( AbstractConnection cxn ) : string
cxn AbstractConnection
return string

match() public method

public match ( ConnectionSet cxns, string target ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
target string
return IndexedHashtable

match() public method

public match ( AbstractConnection cxn, string target ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
target string
return Patient[]

matchByNameCityState() public method

public matchByNameCityState ( ConnectionSet cxns, string name, string city, string state ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
name string
city string
state string
return IndexedHashtable

matchByNameCityState() public method

public matchByNameCityState ( AbstractConnection cxn, string name, string city, string state ) : Patient[]
cxn AbstractConnection
name string
city string
state string
return Patient[]

mpiMatch() public method

public mpiMatch ( DataSource src, string ssn ) : Patient[]
src DataSource
ssn string
return Patient[]

nptLookup() public method

Match on Patient.Name, Patient.DOB, and Patient.SSN
public nptLookup ( Patient patient ) : Patient[]
patient Patient The patient to match
return Patient[]

nptMatch() public method

public nptMatch ( string ssn ) : Patient[]
ssn string
return Patient[]

patientInquiry() public method

public patientInquiry ( ConnectionSet cxns, string pid ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
pid string
return IndexedHashtable

patientInquiry() public method

public patientInquiry ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : string
cxn AbstractConnection
pid string
return string

select() public method

public select ( ConnectionSet cxns ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
return IndexedHashtable

select() public method

public select ( AbstractConnection cxn, string pid ) : Patient
cxn AbstractConnection
pid string
return Patient

setLocalPids() public method

public setLocalPids ( ConnectionSet cxns, string mpiPid ) : IndexedHashtable
cxns ConnectionSet
mpiPid string
return IndexedHashtable