C# Class WebApiTrackLog.Areas.HelpPage.HelpPageSampleGenerator

This class will generate the samples for the help page.
Mostra file Open project: shan333chao/WebApiTrackLogs Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
DefaultSampleObjectFactory object
GetAllActionSamples object>>.IEnumerable
GetSampleObject object
IsFormatSupported bool
ResolveType System.Type
TryFormatJson string
TryFormatXml string
UnwrapException System.Exception
WrapSampleIfString object
WriteSampleObjectUsingFormatter object

Public Methods

Method Description
GetActionSample ( string controllerName, string actionName, IEnumerable parameterNames, Type type, System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter formatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType, SampleDirection sampleDirection ) : object

Search for samples that are provided directly through ActionSamples.

GetSample ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api, SampleDirection sampleDirection ) : object>.IDictionary

Gets the request or response body samples.

GetSampleRequests ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api ) : object>.IDictionary

Gets the request body samples for a given ApiDescription.

GetSampleResponses ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api ) : object>.IDictionary

Gets the response body samples for a given ApiDescription.

HelpPageSampleGenerator ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the HelpPageSampleGenerator class.

ResolveHttpRequestMessageType ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api ) : Type

Resolves the actual type of System.Net.Http.ObjectContent{T} passed to the System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage in an action.

Private Methods

Method Description
DefaultSampleObjectFactory ( HelpPageSampleGenerator sampleGenerator, Type type ) : object
GetAllActionSamples ( string controllerName, string actionName, IEnumerable parameterNames, SampleDirection sampleDirection ) : object>>.IEnumerable
GetSampleObject ( Type type ) : object
IsFormatSupported ( SampleDirection sampleDirection, System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter formatter, Type type ) : bool
ResolveType ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api, string controllerName, string actionName, IEnumerable parameterNames, SampleDirection sampleDirection, Collection &formatters ) : Type
TryFormatJson ( string str ) : string
TryFormatXml ( string str ) : string
UnwrapException ( Exception exception ) : Exception
WrapSampleIfString ( object sample ) : object
WriteSampleObjectUsingFormatter ( System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter formatter, object value, Type type, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType ) : object

Method Details

GetActionSample() public method

Search for samples that are provided directly through ActionSamples.
public GetActionSample ( string controllerName, string actionName, IEnumerable parameterNames, Type type, System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter formatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType, SampleDirection sampleDirection ) : object
controllerName string Name of the controller.
actionName string Name of the action.
parameterNames IEnumerable The parameter names.
type System.Type The CLR type.
formatter System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter The formatter.
mediaType System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue The media type.
sampleDirection SampleDirection The value indicating whether the sample is for a request or for a response.
return object

GetSample() public method

Gets the request or response body samples.
public GetSample ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api, SampleDirection sampleDirection ) : object>.IDictionary
api System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription The .
sampleDirection SampleDirection The value indicating whether the sample is for a request or for a response.
return object>.IDictionary

GetSampleRequests() public method

Gets the request body samples for a given ApiDescription.
public GetSampleRequests ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api ) : object>.IDictionary
api System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription The .
return object>.IDictionary

GetSampleResponses() public method

Gets the response body samples for a given ApiDescription.
public GetSampleResponses ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api ) : object>.IDictionary
api System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription The .
return object>.IDictionary

HelpPageSampleGenerator() public method

Initializes a new instance of the HelpPageSampleGenerator class.
public HelpPageSampleGenerator ( ) : System
return System

ResolveHttpRequestMessageType() public method

Resolves the actual type of System.Net.Http.ObjectContent{T} passed to the System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage in an action.
public ResolveHttpRequestMessageType ( System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription api ) : Type
api System.Web.Http.Description.ApiDescription The .
return System.Type