C# Class SobekCM.Library.ItemViewer.Viewers.QC_ItemViewer

Inheritance: SobekCM.Library.ItemViewer.Viewers.abstractItemViewer
Mostra file Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application

Public Methods

Method Description
Add_Main_Viewer_Section ( System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Allows controls to be added directory to a place holder, rather than just writing to the output HTML stream

This method does nothing, since nothing is added to the place holder as a control for this item viewer

Add_ViewerSpecific_Body_Attributes ( string>.List Body_Attributes ) : void

Gets the collection of body attributes to be included within the HTML body tag (usually to add events to the body)

Get_QC_Errors ( int ThisItemID ) : void

Gets all the page errors set by the user

NumberToRoman ( int Number ) : string

Converts an integer to a roman number, in either upper or lower case. Default returned in lowercase.

Perform_PreDisplay_Work ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

This provides an opportunity for the viewer to perform any pre-display work which is necessary before entering any of the rendering portions

QC_ItemViewer ( BriefItemInfo BriefItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : System

Constructor for a new instance of the QC_ItemViewer class, used to perform quality control and create the structural metadata ( page names and divisions ) for an online digital resource

RomanToNumber ( string Roman ) : int

Converts a roman numeral to a decimal number

SaveQcError ( int ItemID, string ErrorCode, string AffectedPageFilename ) : void

Sets the QC Error for a page

Write_Left_Nav_Menu_Section ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Write_Main_Viewer_Section ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Write the item viewer main section as HTML directly to the HTTP output stream

Write_Top_Additional_Navigation_Row ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Add the Viewer specific information to the top navigation row This nav row adds the different thumbnail viewing options(# of thumbnails, size of thumbnails, list of all related item thumbnails)

Write_Within_HTML_Head ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page

Private Methods

Method Description
Cancel_Current_QC ( ) : void

Cancel the current QC, delete temporary files, and remove from cache

ClearPagination ( ) : void

Clears the pagination names of all the pages of the qc item

Clear_Pagination_And_Reorder_Pages ( ) : void

Clears all the page labels, division types and names, and reorders the pages by filename

Delete_Resource_File ( string FilenameToDelete ) : void
Move_Temp_Changes_To_Production ( ) : void

Move all the changes accumulates in the temporary METS into production and clear the temporary files/cache so it can be rebuilt from production if needed

Save_From_Form_Request_To_Item ( string FilenameToMoveAfter, string FilenameToOmit ) : bool

Save all the data from form post-back into the item in memory, and return all the page information for those pages which are CHECKED (with the checkbox)

Save_From_Form_Request_To_Item ( string FilenameToMoveAfter, string FilenameToOmit, List &Selected_Page_Div_From_Form ) : bool

Save all the data from form post-back into the item in memory, and return all the page information for those pages which are CHECKED (with the checkbox)

add_main_menu ( TextWriter Output ) : void
recurse_through_and_find_child_parent_relationship ( SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions.Division_TreeNode ParentNode ) : void

Method Details

Add_Main_Viewer_Section() public method

Allows controls to be added directory to a place holder, rather than just writing to the output HTML stream
This method does nothing, since nothing is added to the place holder as a control for this item viewer
public Add_Main_Viewer_Section ( System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
MainPlaceHolder System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder Main place holder ( "mainPlaceHolder" ) in the itemNavForm form into which the bulk of the item viewer's output is displayed
Tracer Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return void

Add_ViewerSpecific_Body_Attributes() public method

Gets the collection of body attributes to be included within the HTML body tag (usually to add events to the body)
public Add_ViewerSpecific_Body_Attributes ( string>.List Body_Attributes ) : void
Body_Attributes string>.List List of body attributes to be included
return void

Get_QC_Errors() public method

Gets all the page errors set by the user
public Get_QC_Errors ( int ThisItemID ) : void
ThisItemID int
return void

NumberToRoman() public method

Converts an integer to a roman number, in either upper or lower case. Default returned in lowercase.
public NumberToRoman ( int Number ) : string
Number int Integer number
return string

Perform_PreDisplay_Work() public method

This provides an opportunity for the viewer to perform any pre-display work which is necessary before entering any of the rendering portions
public Perform_PreDisplay_Work ( Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Tracer Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return void

QC_ItemViewer() public method

Constructor for a new instance of the QC_ItemViewer class, used to perform quality control and create the structural metadata ( page names and divisions ) for an online digital resource
public QC_ItemViewer ( BriefItemInfo BriefItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : System
BriefItem BriefItemInfo Digital resource object
CurrentUser User_Object Current user, who may or may not be logged on
CurrentRequest Navigation_Object Information about the current request
Tracer Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return System

RomanToNumber() public method

Converts a roman numeral to a decimal number
public RomanToNumber ( string Roman ) : int
Roman string Roman numeral (string)
return int

SaveQcError() public method

Sets the QC Error for a page
public SaveQcError ( int ItemID, string ErrorCode, string AffectedPageFilename ) : void
ItemID int
ErrorCode string
AffectedPageFilename string
return void

Write_Left_Nav_Menu_Section() public method

public Write_Left_Nav_Menu_Section ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Output TextWriter
Tracer Custom_Tracer
return void

Write_Main_Viewer_Section() public method

Write the item viewer main section as HTML directly to the HTTP output stream
public Write_Main_Viewer_Section ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Output TextWriter Response stream for the item viewer to write directly to
Tracer Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return void

Write_Top_Additional_Navigation_Row() public method

Add the Viewer specific information to the top navigation row This nav row adds the different thumbnail viewing options(# of thumbnails, size of thumbnails, list of all related item thumbnails)
public Write_Top_Additional_Navigation_Row ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Output TextWriter
Tracer Custom_Tracer
return void

Write_Within_HTML_Head() public method

Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page
public Write_Within_HTML_Head ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Output TextWriter Output stream currently within the HTML head tags
Tracer Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return void