C# Class Serilog.Parsing.MessageTemplateToken

An element parsed from a message template string.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Render ( LogEventPropertyValue>.IReadOnlyDictionary properties, TextWriter output, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null ) : void

Render the token to the output.

Protected Methods

Method Description
MessageTemplateToken ( int startIndex ) : System

Construct a MessageTemplateToken.

Method Details

MessageTemplateToken() protected method

Construct a MessageTemplateToken.
protected MessageTemplateToken ( int startIndex ) : System
startIndex int The token's start index in the template.
return System

Render() public abstract method

Render the token to the output.
public abstract Render ( LogEventPropertyValue>.IReadOnlyDictionary properties, TextWriter output, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null ) : void
properties LogEventPropertyValue>.IReadOnlyDictionary Properties that may be represented by the token.
output System.IO.TextWriter Output for the rendered string.
formatProvider IFormatProvider Supplies culture-specific formatting information, or null.
return void