C# Class SenseNet.ContentRepository.Schema.ContentType

Inheritance: Node, IFolder, IIndexableDocument
Mostra file Open project: maxpavlov/FlexNet Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ContentDefinitionXmlNamespace string
ContentTypeFileNameExtension string
XmlListSeparators char[]

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Build void
Build void
ChangeFieldSetting void
ChangeInheritedField void
ChangeParentFieldSettingRecursive void
CheckFieldNames void
CheckFieldValidation void
CheckValidation void
Create ContentType
Create ContentType
Create ContentType
FinalizeAllowedChildTypes void
GetFieldSettingIndexByName int
GetValidDocument IXPathNavigable
InheritField void
InheritFields void
Initialize void
IsDeletable bool
LoadAndInitialize ContentType
ParseAllowedChildTypes void
ParseContentTypeElement void
ParseFieldElements void
RemoveInheritedFields void
RemoveUnusedField void
RemoveUnusedInheritedField void
Save void
SetFieldSlots void
SetFieldSlots void
SetFieldSlots void
SetParentContentType void
StringFromStream string

Public Methods

Method Description
ContentType ( Node parent ) : System
ContentType ( Node parent, string nodeTypeName ) : System
Delete ( ) : void
GetByName ( string contentTypeName ) : ContentType

Returns the ContentType by requested name.

GetChildren ( QuerySettings settings ) : QueryResult
GetChildren ( string text, QuerySettings settings ) : QueryResult
GetChildren ( string text, QuerySettings settings, bool getAllChildren ) : QueryResult
GetContentTypeNames ( ) : string[]

Returns an array of every ContentType names

GetContentTypes ( ) : SenseNet.ContentRepository.Schema.ContentType[]

Returns an array of every ContentTypes

GetFieldSettingByName ( string fieldName ) : FieldSetting

Returns the FieldSetting by passed field name.

GetIndexableFields ( ) : IEnumerable
GetRootTypeNames ( ) : string[]

Returns an array of ContentType names thats have not parent ContentType.

GetRootTypes ( ) : SenseNet.ContentRepository.Schema.ContentType[]

Returns an array of ContentTypes thats have not parent ContentType

IsInstaceOfOrDerivedFrom ( string contentTypeName ) : bool
Save ( ) : void
Save ( NodeSaveSettings settings ) : void
ToString ( ) : string
ToXml ( ) : string

Returns the represented ContentTypeDefinition XML

TraceContentSchema ( ) : string
TracePerFieldIndexingInfo ( ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
ContentType ( NodeToken nt ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
Build ( ) : void
Build ( IXPathNavigable definitionXml ) : void
ChangeFieldSetting ( FieldSetting oldSetting, FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor ) : void
ChangeInheritedField ( FieldSetting parent ) : void
ChangeParentFieldSettingRecursive ( FieldSetting oldSetting, FieldSetting newSetting ) : void
CheckFieldNames ( IXPathNavigable xml ) : void
CheckFieldValidation ( FieldDescriptor fieldDesc, string contentTypeName ) : void
CheckValidation ( IXPathNavigable xml, string name ) : void
Create ( ISupportsDynamicFields handler, ContentType baseContentType ) : ContentType
Create ( ISupportsDynamicFields handler, ContentType baseContentType, string ctd ) : ContentType
Create ( Type type, string ctd ) : ContentType
FinalizeAllowedChildTypes ( ContentType>.Dictionary contentTypes ) : void
GetFieldSettingIndexByName ( string fieldName ) : int
GetValidDocument ( string xml, string name ) : IXPathNavigable
InheritField ( FieldSetting parent ) : void
InheritFields ( ContentType parentContentType ) : void
Initialize ( ) : void
IsDeletable ( ContentType contentType ) : bool
LoadAndInitialize ( string contentTypePath ) : ContentType
ParseAllowedChildTypes ( XPathNavigator allowedChildTypesElement, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsres ) : void
ParseContentTypeElement ( XPathNavigator contentTypeElement, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsres ) : void
ParseFieldElements ( XPathNavigator fieldsElement, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsres ) : void
RemoveInheritedFields ( ) : void
RemoveUnusedField ( string name ) : void
RemoveUnusedInheritedField ( string name ) : void
Save ( bool withInstall ) : void
SetFieldSlots ( ) : void
SetFieldSlots ( FieldSetting fieldSetting, ISupportsDynamicFields handler ) : void
SetFieldSlots ( Type handlerType ) : void
SetParentContentType ( ContentType parentContentType ) : void
StringFromStream ( Stream stream ) : string

Method Details

ContentType() public method

public ContentType ( Node parent ) : System
parent Node
return System

ContentType() public method

public ContentType ( Node parent, string nodeTypeName ) : System
parent Node
nodeTypeName string
return System

ContentType() protected method

protected ContentType ( NodeToken nt ) : System
nt SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.NodeToken
return System

Delete() public method

public Delete ( ) : void
return void

GetByName() public static method

Returns the ContentType by requested name.
public static GetByName ( string contentTypeName ) : ContentType
contentTypeName string Name of the requested ContentType
return ContentType

GetChildren() public method

public GetChildren ( QuerySettings settings ) : QueryResult
settings SenseNet.Search.QuerySettings
return QueryResult

GetChildren() public method

public GetChildren ( string text, QuerySettings settings ) : QueryResult
text string
settings SenseNet.Search.QuerySettings
return QueryResult

GetChildren() public method

public GetChildren ( string text, QuerySettings settings, bool getAllChildren ) : QueryResult
text string
settings SenseNet.Search.QuerySettings
getAllChildren bool
return QueryResult

GetContentTypeNames() public static method

Returns an array of every ContentType names
public static GetContentTypeNames ( ) : string[]
return string[]

GetContentTypes() public static method

Returns an array of every ContentTypes
public static GetContentTypes ( ) : SenseNet.ContentRepository.Schema.ContentType[]
return SenseNet.ContentRepository.Schema.ContentType[]

GetFieldSettingByName() public method

Returns the FieldSetting by passed field name.
public GetFieldSettingByName ( string fieldName ) : FieldSetting
fieldName string Inherited or owned Field name.
return FieldSetting

GetIndexableFields() public method

public GetIndexableFields ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

GetRootTypeNames() public static method

Returns an array of ContentType names thats have not parent ContentType.
public static GetRootTypeNames ( ) : string[]
return string[]

GetRootTypes() public static method

Returns an array of ContentTypes thats have not parent ContentType
public static GetRootTypes ( ) : SenseNet.ContentRepository.Schema.ContentType[]
return SenseNet.ContentRepository.Schema.ContentType[]

IsInstaceOfOrDerivedFrom() public method

public IsInstaceOfOrDerivedFrom ( string contentTypeName ) : bool
contentTypeName string
return bool

Save() public method

public Save ( ) : void
return void

Save() public method

public Save ( NodeSaveSettings settings ) : void
settings SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.NodeSaveSettings
return void

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

ToXml() public method

Returns the represented ContentTypeDefinition XML
public ToXml ( ) : string
return string

TraceContentSchema() public static method

public static TraceContentSchema ( ) : string
return string

TracePerFieldIndexingInfo() public static method

public static TracePerFieldIndexingInfo ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

ContentDefinitionXmlNamespace public_oe static_oe property

public static string ContentDefinitionXmlNamespace
return string

ContentTypeFileNameExtension public_oe static_oe property

public static string ContentTypeFileNameExtension
return string

XmlListSeparators public_oe static_oe property

public static char[] XmlListSeparators
return char[]