C# Class ProjectStorms.InputManager.ControllerRumbleInfo

Mostra file Open project: patferguson/Storms-Project

Public Properties

Property Type Description
leftMotor float
playerIndex int
rightMotor float
rumbleDurr float
rumbleStart float

Public Methods

Method Description
ControllerRumbleInfo ( int a_playerIndex, float a_motorLeft, float a_motorRight, float a_rumbleDurr ) : XInputDotNetPure

Default constructor. Additional rumbles for a player are additive.

IsRumbleExpired ( ) : bool

Method Details

ControllerRumbleInfo() public method

Default constructor. Additional rumbles for a player are additive.
public ControllerRumbleInfo ( int a_playerIndex, float a_motorLeft, float a_motorRight, float a_rumbleDurr ) : XInputDotNetPure
a_playerIndex int
a_motorLeft float Vibration value for the left controller motor.
a_motorRight float Vibration value for the right controller motor.
a_rumbleDurr float How long to rumble for in seconds.
return XInputDotNetPure

IsRumbleExpired() public method

public IsRumbleExpired ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

leftMotor public_oe property

Left motor roll percentage.
public float leftMotor
return float

playerIndex public_oe property

Index of the player to apply this rumble to.
public int playerIndex
return int

rightMotor public_oe property

Right motor roll percentage.
public float rightMotor
return float

rumbleDurr public_oe property

How long the rumble goes for.
public float rumbleDurr
return float

rumbleStart public_oe property

Timestamp at the start of the rumble.
public float rumbleStart
return float