C# Class ProjectStorms.AirshipCamBehaviour

Basic lerp follow airship. Don't change the cam height/width/pixel position here - do that in the master cam controller. However, we can tell the camera where to go and what position to take here.
Inheritance: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
Mostra file Open project: patferguson/Storms-Project

Public Properties

Property Type Description
camLookSmooth float
camLookTarget UnityEngine.Transform
camPosSmooth float
camPosTarget UnityEngine.Transform
camRotator UnityEngine.Transform
minCamSnapDist float

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
FollowCam ( ) : void
InitialiseCam ( ) : void

Initialises the camera object.

RouletteCam ( ) : void

Reset the camera back for the roulette state.

ShakeCam ( float a_shakeStrength, float a_shakeDuration ) : void

This triggers the camera shake.

Start ( ) : void
SuicideCam ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
WatchCam ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
Shaking ( ) : void

This determines the shaking behaviour.

Method Details

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void

FollowCam() public method

public FollowCam ( ) : void
return void

InitialiseCam() public method

Initialises the camera object.
public InitialiseCam ( ) : void
return void

RouletteCam() public method

Reset the camera back for the roulette state.
public RouletteCam ( ) : void
return void

ShakeCam() public method

This triggers the camera shake.
public ShakeCam ( float a_shakeStrength, float a_shakeDuration ) : void
a_shakeStrength float
a_shakeDuration float
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

SuicideCam() public method

public SuicideCam ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

WatchCam() public method

public WatchCam ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

camLookSmooth public_oe property

Used to slerp look direction.
public float camLookSmooth
return float

camLookTarget public_oe property

public Transform,UnityEngine camLookTarget
return UnityEngine.Transform

camPosSmooth public_oe property

Used to lerp cam pos.
public float camPosSmooth
return float

camPosTarget public_oe property

public Transform,UnityEngine camPosTarget
return UnityEngine.Transform

camRotator public_oe property

public Transform,UnityEngine camRotator
return UnityEngine.Transform

minCamSnapDist public_oe property

Minimum distance that the camera will snap to.
public float minCamSnapDist
return float