C# Class O365_UWP_Unified_API_Snippets.AuthenticationHelper

Mostra file Open project: microsoftgraph/uwp-csharp-snippets-rest-sample Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Expiration DateTimeOffset
IdentityClientApp PublicClientApplication
TokenForUser string
_settings Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer

Public Methods

Method Description
GetTokenForUserAsync ( ) : Task

Get Token for User.

SignOut ( ) : void

Signs the user out of the service.

Method Details

GetTokenForUserAsync() public static method

Get Token for User.
public static GetTokenForUserAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

SignOut() public static method

Signs the user out of the service.
public static SignOut ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

Expiration public_oe static_oe property

public static DateTimeOffset Expiration
return DateTimeOffset

IdentityClientApp public_oe static_oe property

public static PublicClientApplication IdentityClientApp
return PublicClientApplication

TokenForUser public_oe static_oe property

public static string TokenForUser
return string

_settings public_oe static_oe property

public static ApplicationDataContainer,Windows.Storage _settings
return Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer