C# Class NSoft.NFramework.FusionCharts.Widgets.SparkChartBase

Spark charts are "data-intense, design-simple, word-sized graphics" charts for embedding in a context of words, numbers, images. Whereas the typical chart is designed to show as much data as possible, and is set off from the flow of text, spark charts are intended to be succinct, memorable, and located where they are discussed. Their use inline usually means that they are about the same height as the surrounding text. Also, spark charts can be intensively used in space-efficient executive dashboards to show a lot of KPIs in a single view.
Inheritance: WidgetBase
Mostra file Open project: debop/NFramework

Public Methods

Method Description
AddValue ( double value ) : void
GenerateXmlAttributes ( System writer ) : void

속성들을 Xml Attribute로 생성합니다.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GenerateXmlElements ( System writer ) : void

ChartElementBase 형식의 Element 객체들을 XML Element Node로 생성합니다.

Method Details

AddValue() public method

public AddValue ( double value ) : void
value double
return void

GenerateXmlAttributes() public method

속성들을 Xml Attribute로 생성합니다.
public GenerateXmlAttributes ( System writer ) : void
writer System Attribute를 쓸 Writer
return void

GenerateXmlElements() protected method

ChartElementBase 형식의 Element 객체들을 XML Element Node로 생성합니다.
protected GenerateXmlElements ( System writer ) : void
writer System Element를 쓸 Writer
return void