C# Class LayoutFarm.HtmlBoxes.PaintVisitor

Inheritance: BoxVisitor
Mostra file Open project: prepare/HTML-Renderer Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
dbugDrawWireFrame bool

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddToLatePaintList void
ClearLatePaintItems void
EnterNewLatePaintContext void
ExitCurrentLatePaintContext void
GetLatePaintItem CssBox
PaintBorder void
PaintBorders void
PaintBorders void
PopLocalClipArea void
PushLocalClipArea bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Bind ( HtmlContainer htmlCont, Canvas canvas ) : void
DrawImage ( Image img, RectangleF r ) : void
DrawImage ( Image img, float x, float y, float w, float h ) : void
DrawLine ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color strokeColor, float strokeW ) : void
DrawPath ( GraphicsPath path, Color strokeColor, float strokeW ) : void
DrawRectangle ( Color c, float x, float y, float w, float h ) : void
DrawText ( char str, int startAt, int len, PointF point, SizeF size ) : void
FillPath ( GraphicsPath path, Color fillColor ) : void
FillRectangle ( Color c, float x, float y, float w, float h ) : void
OffsetCanvasOrigin ( int dx, int dy ) : void
PaintVisitor ( ) : System
RequestImageAsync ( ImageBinder binder, CssImageRun imgRun, object requestFrom ) : void

async request for image

SetCanvasOrigin ( int x, int y ) : void
SetViewportSize ( float width, float height ) : void
UnBind ( ) : void
dbugDrawDiagonalBox ( Color color, RectangleF rect ) : void
dbugDrawDiagonalBox ( Color color, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ) : void
dbugEnterNewContext ( CssBox box, PaintVisitorContextName contextName ) : void
dbugExitContext ( ) : void
dbugResetLogRecords ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddToLatePaintList ( CssBox box ) : void
ClearLatePaintItems ( ) : void
EnterNewLatePaintContext ( ) : void
ExitCurrentLatePaintContext ( ) : void
GetLatePaintItem ( int index ) : CssBox
PaintBorder ( CssBox box, CssSide border, Color solidColor, RectangleF rect ) : void
PaintBorders ( CssBox box, RectangleF rect ) : void
PaintBorders ( CssBox box, RectangleF stripArea, bool isFirstLine, bool isLastLine ) : void
PopLocalClipArea ( ) : void
PushLocalClipArea ( float w, float h ) : bool

push clip area relative to (0,0) of current CssBox

Method Details

Bind() public method

public Bind ( HtmlContainer htmlCont, Canvas canvas ) : void
htmlCont HtmlContainer
canvas PixelFarm.Drawing.Canvas
return void

DrawImage() public method

public DrawImage ( Image img, RectangleF r ) : void
img Image
r PixelFarm.Drawing.RectangleF
return void

DrawImage() public method

public DrawImage ( Image img, float x, float y, float w, float h ) : void
img Image
x float
y float
w float
h float
return void

DrawLine() public method

public DrawLine ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color strokeColor, float strokeW ) : void
x1 float
y1 float
x2 float
y2 float
strokeColor Color
strokeW float
return void

DrawPath() public method

public DrawPath ( GraphicsPath path, Color strokeColor, float strokeW ) : void
path PixelFarm.Drawing.GraphicsPath
strokeColor Color
strokeW float
return void

DrawRectangle() public method

public DrawRectangle ( Color c, float x, float y, float w, float h ) : void
c Color
x float
y float
w float
h float
return void

DrawText() public method

public DrawText ( char str, int startAt, int len, PointF point, SizeF size ) : void
str char
startAt int
len int
point PixelFarm.Drawing.PointF
size PixelFarm.Drawing.SizeF
return void

FillPath() public method

public FillPath ( GraphicsPath path, Color fillColor ) : void
path PixelFarm.Drawing.GraphicsPath
fillColor Color
return void

FillRectangle() public method

public FillRectangle ( Color c, float x, float y, float w, float h ) : void
c Color
x float
y float
w float
h float
return void

OffsetCanvasOrigin() public method

public OffsetCanvasOrigin ( int dx, int dy ) : void
dx int
dy int
return void

PaintVisitor() public method

public PaintVisitor ( ) : System
return System

RequestImageAsync() public method

async request for image
public RequestImageAsync ( ImageBinder binder, CssImageRun imgRun, object requestFrom ) : void
binder ImageBinder
imgRun CssImageRun
requestFrom object
return void

SetCanvasOrigin() public method

public SetCanvasOrigin ( int x, int y ) : void
x int
y int
return void

SetViewportSize() public method

public SetViewportSize ( float width, float height ) : void
width float
height float
return void

UnBind() public method

public UnBind ( ) : void
return void

dbugDrawDiagonalBox() public method

public dbugDrawDiagonalBox ( Color color, RectangleF rect ) : void
color Color
rect PixelFarm.Drawing.RectangleF
return void

dbugDrawDiagonalBox() public method

public dbugDrawDiagonalBox ( Color color, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ) : void
color Color
x1 float
y1 float
x2 float
y2 float
return void

dbugEnterNewContext() public method

public dbugEnterNewContext ( CssBox box, PaintVisitorContextName contextName ) : void
box CssBox
contextName PaintVisitorContextName
return void

dbugExitContext() public method

public dbugExitContext ( ) : void
return void

dbugResetLogRecords() public method

public dbugResetLogRecords ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

dbugDrawWireFrame public_oe static_oe property

turn on/off wire frame
public static bool dbugDrawWireFrame
return bool