C# Class EU.Europa.EC.Markt.Dss.Signature.Xades.XmlUtils

Utility class that contains some XML related method.
Utility class that contains some XML related method.
Mostra file Open project: nonorganic/dssnet

Public Methods

Method Description
GetNamespaceURI ( string prefix ) : string
GetNodeList ( XmlElement xmlElement, string xpathString ) : XmlNodeList

Return the Element corresponding the the XPath

ToDocument ( XmlDocument originalDocument, XadesSignedXml xadesSignedXml ) : Document
ToXmlDocument ( Document document ) : XmlDocument

Method Details

GetNamespaceURI() public static method

public static GetNamespaceURI ( string prefix ) : string
prefix string
return string

GetNodeList() public static method

Return the Element corresponding the the XPath
Javax.Xml.Xpath.XPathExpressionException ///
public static GetNodeList ( XmlElement xmlElement, string xpathString ) : XmlNodeList
xmlElement System.Xml.XmlElement
xpathString string
return System.Xml.XmlNodeList

ToDocument() public static method

public static ToDocument ( XmlDocument originalDocument, XadesSignedXml xadesSignedXml ) : Document
originalDocument System.Xml.XmlDocument
xadesSignedXml Microsoft.Xades.XadesSignedXml
return Document

ToXmlDocument() public static method

public static ToXmlDocument ( Document document ) : XmlDocument
document Document
return System.Xml.XmlDocument