C# Class ESRI.ArcGIS.SilverlightMapApp.WindowPanel

Inheritance: System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl
Mostra file Open project: Esri/arcgis-templates-silverlight Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ContentTitleProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
IsOpenProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty

Public Methods

Method Description
Hide ( ) : void
OnApplyTemplate ( ) : void

When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call M:System.Windows.Controls.Control.ApplyTemplate. In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays in an application. For more information, see Remarks.

Show ( ) : void
Toggle ( ) : void

Toggles this show/hide state.

WindowPanel ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the WindowPanel class.

Private Methods

Method Description
ChangeVisualState ( bool useTransitions ) : void

Hides the window.

OnIsOpenPropertyChanged ( DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
headerDragRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the MouseLeftButtonDown event of the headerDragRectangle control. This is fired when the user starts to drag the window.

headerDragRectangle_MouseLeftButtonUp ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the MouseLeftButtonUp event of the headerDragRectangle control. This is fired when the user stopped dragging the window.

headerDragRectangle_MouseMove ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the MouseMove event of the headerDragRectangle control. This is fired when the user is dragging the window.

imgClose_MouseLeftButtonDown ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the MouseLeftButtonDown event of the imgClose control and collapses the control

Method Details

Hide() public method

public Hide ( ) : void
return void

OnApplyTemplate() public method

When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call M:System.Windows.Controls.Control.ApplyTemplate. In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays in an application. For more information, see Remarks.
public OnApplyTemplate ( ) : void
return void

Show() public method

public Show ( ) : void
return void

Toggle() public method

Toggles this show/hide state.
public Toggle ( ) : void
return void

WindowPanel() public method

Initializes a new instance of the WindowPanel class.
public WindowPanel ( ) : System
return System

Property Details

ContentTitleProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the ContentTitle dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows ContentTitleProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

IsOpenProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the ContentTitle dependency property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows IsOpenProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty